Alternate Realities Roundup 7/19 | Buzz Blog

Friday, July 19, 2013

Alternate Realities Roundup 7/19

Posted By on July 19, 2013, 12:28 PM

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A battle is heating up on Capitol Hill to rein in sexual assaults in the military.---

Top of the Alty World

“Temperatures Rising Over Military Sexual Assaults”—The Nation

Key Latino voters are being targeted with ads showing how the House GOP is blocking comprehensive immigration reform.—Mother Jones

Rolling Stone recaps the five most important demands from the California-prison hunger strike.—Rolling Stone

A judge upholds “Aiding the Enemy” charges against whistleblower Private Bradley Manning.—Democracy Now!

Top of Alty Utah

The Legislature repealed a bill that would have criminally charged U.S. Forest Service agents for enforcing the law on public lands.—Utah Political Capitol

A lawsuit challenging Utah’s Constitutional marriage amendment moves forward.—Q Salt Lake

A report given to lawmakers says it's hard to tell if laws are actually accomplishing their goals or not—Utah Political Capitol

Six months after City Weekly’s in-depth investigation into SLC’s homeless situation, we follow up with law enforcement and local leaders to see what reforms they’ve actually enacted.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Rantosphere A Bostonite reacts to the controversial Rolling Stone cover featuring a photo of Boston Marathon bomber Dzohkar Tsarnaev, in a way critics say glorifies the killer.

“The outrage over Tsarnaev's face on the cover has everything to do with the fact that there is a puppy-dog cuteness about him, which is jarring in the context of his alleged crimes. If Tsarnaev's face looked like the back of an old man's balls, no one would give much of a damn about this. I'm not going to get all worked up about the attractiveness double-standard involved here; this issue of Stone has a huge feature story on the dumb bastard, and so having him on the cover makes perfect sense.”—Truth-Out

The Long View

The Orlando Weekly looks at race and the Trayvon Martin case.

“Not since O.J. Simpson has a murder case so polarized America. It did so from the start. In polling done a few weeks after Trayvon’s death, 80 percent of blacks said that the shooting was not justified; only 38 percent of whites said the same. This division – more interesting in some respects than the case itself – has become a Rorschach test, underscoring the very different experiences and outlooks of white and black America, and demonstrating how race generally, and white privilege specifically, has constructed the prism through which we still view current events.”—Orlando Weekly

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