Glad You Asked: SL Bees, Spider-Man, Huey Lewis and the News | Buzz Blog

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Glad You Asked: SL Bees, Spider-Man, Huey Lewis and the News

Posted By on July 23, 2013, 1:00 PM

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Dear GYA, I am in a bit of a hairy situation—literally. I have the unfortunate genetic inheritance of back hair. And it is quite profuse. In fact, the hair on my back is so thick you can pet it. It’s gross! And lately, it’s gotten so bad that I tell people I’m a werewolf so they stop staring. Then one day, a woman said I looked nothing like Taylor Lautner and that’s when I knew it was time to change. So, I have scheduled my first back-hair waxing for this morning. And tonight, I want to show off my newly hairless back. What events can I attend to display this waxed wonder? –Harry Harrison, Layton---

Well, Harry, it seems like you not only have unfortunate back hair, but also a regrettable name—my apologies. But, I’m glad you have the resolve to change your situation, so I’m going to help you out.

There’s no better place to take your shirt off than at a ball game. So, paint something on your chest and check out the Salt Lake Bees vs. the Fresno Grizzlies at the Spring Mobile Ballpark. First pitch is at 7:05 p.m., and you can find ticket information here.

Another excuse to bare your back is at a concert. So, rip off your shirt at Huey Lewis and the News. The concert starts at 8 p.m. at the Sandy Amphitheater. You can dance along to hit songs like “The Power of Love” (from the movie Back to the Future) and “I Want a New Drug.” Ticket prices vary; find more info here.

You can also show everyone just how amazing your transformation is by attending the showing of The Amazing Spider-Man at the SCERA Center for the Arts in Orem. The movie starts at 10 a.m. It’s just $2 and you can buy tickets online here.

For a complete list of today’s events, click here.

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Courtney Tanner

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