Dear GYA, I'm proud of Lindsay Lohan for admitting that she once "tried cocaine 10 to 15 times." I guess it's just cool to hear her finally admit that she "tried" some drugs and has a problem. I once tried marijuana, like, 10 to 4,000 times in college and now, I can say with a clear conscious that it's not for me. Anything happening today better than a Lindsay Lohan confession? - Mark Boshenton, Sandy---
Mark, I also would like to confess to something: I've probably tried kalamata olives at least 10 to 15 times and I'm still not sure if they taste like salted vomit or not. I'll keep you posted. Here's what's up for today:
Bill Medley of The Rightous Brothers will be at SCERA Shell Outdoor Theatre tonight at 8. Tickets start at $15.
Chicago-based acoustic-bluegrass band The Special Consensus will be onstage at The State Room. Run Boy Run is also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15.
Brewvies will be showing a special screening of the documentary Space Invaders: In Search Of Lost Time tonight at 7. The film is a look at the rise and fall of classic video games and their resurgence as vintage collectibles. Director Jeff Von Ward will be doing a Q and A after the film. Tickets are $5.
For today's complete list of things to do, click here.