In The Loop: 9/21/13. Skanty Conference Weekend | Buzz Blog

Saturday, September 21, 2013

In The Loop: 9/21/13. Skanty Conference Weekend

Posted By on September 21, 2013, 11:59 PM

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click to enlarge blog9947widea.webp

Hello to all you underpants-buying, fake-tan-spraying, body-painting, muscle-toning, can't-wait-to-jog-in-50-degree-weather enthusiasts! --- If you haven't gotten the word yet, the Utah Undie Run has been pushed to October 6 because nothing says “fun in Utah” like running skimpily clad through downtown on Conference weekend. Honestly, the more and more this particular event gets dragged out, the more pathetic it seems, like that kid in high school who thought it was a great idea professing his love at lunch with a ukulele. It had a good intention, now it's just an embarrassing attempt at attention.  In lieu of a 337 update, here's some random art from the streets of downtown Salt Lake City.

Kicking off with events, today, Dr. Volts will celebrate its 23rd anniversary! All day, there will be sales and some promotional events; that's about all that needs to be said. Head over and congratulate them!

click to enlarge volts23.webp

Later tonight, the guys at Big Shiny Robot will be holding a 24-hour game tournament to collect donations for Rescue Rovers Adoptions. You can watch the gang play games all day until 8 p.m. Sunday on, and be sure to donate!

click to enlarge bsr_gaming_2013.webp

The week is kinda dull until Thursday, when we see the 5th-annual Salt Lake City Film Festival, which runs Sept. 26-29. I'll actually have more on this in my blog coming up this week, but for now, take a gander at the schedule and figure out what you'd like to see!

click to enlarge slcff2013.webp

On Friday, Poor Yorick Studios will have its bi-annual open studio, where you can tour through dozens of studios throughout the evening. Since Poor Yorick has eliminated the Saturday showing, Friday nights have been extended to run from 4-10 p.m., with The Hot Club of Zion performing throughout the evening, starting at 6 p.m.

click to enlarge pooryorick9.webp

On Monday, Sept. 30, Put Your Mouth Where The Word Is returns to Weller Book Works as the first official show of the fall. Jesse Parent will be the guest speaker and performer for the event, but there are still a couple spots open for the SLAM, which will be hosted by Cody Winger. Head over to the Facebook event to sign up and get more info on the evening!

click to enlarge parent2013.webp

On Thursday, Oct. 4, the last Rooftop Concer Series will happen in downtown Provo, closing out the year with an impressive 2013 lineup. This month's bands will be The Lower Lights and Parlor Hawk, followed by an after-party at Muse Music Cafe. Get there early, as you know the evening will fill quickly!

click to enlarge rooftopcrowd.webp

And then, on Saturday, Oct. 5, Salt City Derby Girls will be holding their season closer. We really haven't heard much from the banked-track group this year, but if you haven't seen it yet, this is as good an opportunity as ever. The bout will take place at the Salt Palace, at 6 p.m.

click to enlarge scdg2013.webp

As for the blog:  I'll be honest -- a lot of things are up in the air at the moment, as tends to happen when we hit fall; it'll be a surprise both to you and myself. As always, we'll see what happens.

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