Dear GYA, I would like to point out that throwing away those poor kid's school lunches taught them a valuable lesson. You know, some day, when they're eventually in prison, they'll more than likely have to give up their fruit cocktail to a guy named Nasty Nate. That is, of course, unless the Squirrel Master comes out of left field and claims them as his bitch.--- But, you can't always depend on the kindness of others, let that settle in. Anyway, anything happening today more educational than throwing away kid's school lunch? - Jason Olsen, Salt Lake District spokesman
Jason, throwing away food also let's kids know that they're lower income, three-job havin' parents aren't working hard enough...and that they should be bullied for it. Here's what's up for today:
Queens-based rapper Action Bronson will be on stage at The Complex this evening. Party Supplies is also on the bill. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25. Check out his interview with City Weekly.
Surf-rock band The Expendables will be at Park City Live this evening. Tickets are $25. The show starts at 9 p.m.
Rock band Statur will be at Kilby Court. Ocean Commotion and Supermoon are also performing. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $6.
For today's complete list of things to do, click here.