Alternate Realities Roundup 5/16 | Buzz Blog

Friday, May 16, 2014

Alternate Realities Roundup 5/16

Posted By on May 16, 2014, 10:17 AM

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While ousted New York Times editor Jill Abramson was considered “pushy” by media accounts, women at the paper found her to be a source of inspiration.---

Top of the Alty World

“Woman at the Top of the Masthead”--Slate

The idea of 3-D printed guns has gone from the concept stage to serious threat in the space of a year.--Wired

Gun-rights extremists target womens groups with threats of rape and stalking.--Mother Jones

While health professionals say only 4 percent of the 200 million Medicare visits in 2012 could be charged at the most expensive rate 1,800 providers charged the top rate at least 90 percent of the time.--ProPublica

Top of the Alty World

Legislators at an upcoming hearing will still likely be wary of Governor Herbert's Medicaid expansion plan.--Salt Lake City Weekly

Utah Political Capitol profiles Justin Fawson, a Republican running for House District 7 covering North Ogden and Pleasant View.--Utah Political Capitol

A new bill signed into law will close loopholes so that candidates can't get away with not iling campaign finance disclosures on time.--Utah Politico Hub

Salt Lake City Mayor to auction off his red vest for marriage equality.--Q Salt Lake


Former Utah Bureau of Land Management administrator Ray Hult talks about the latest public lands fracas.

“I lived in east Texas for 10 years, and the sight of abandoned oil-well locations was evident at every turn of the road. I can only imagine what it was like when the oil boom was in full operation, with countless tanker trucks clogging the highways. I imagine potential tourists opted to stay clear of the mayhem.

Having toured many of the top tourist locations in the world, I can’t help but think that Utah might one day find itself at the top of the list. What a shortsighted mistake it would be to risk diminishing the unique quality of lands now fully protected under federal control.”--Salt Lake City Weekly

The Long View

BuzzFeed looks at the Harm Reducation Project's mission of halting the spread of disease by encouraging safe and clean drug use amongst heroin and other hard-drug users.

“Ian, 60, sits in the back of the van, rubbing his hands to keep warm. “I used for over 45 years. Last 25 years was basically crack,” he says. He suffered what he calls “three minor strokes” that doctors said should have killed him, but kept getting high. So when someone slid a flier under his door for something called harm reduction — an approach to combating drug use that allows the person to continue to get high, but in a safer way — he was interested. Slowly, he decreased his use from daily, to weekends, to monthly — until he could finally quit.

Now he works for FROST’D (Foundation for Research on Sexually Transmitted Diseases) — one of New York City’s harm reduction programs and the organization that runs this mobile unit — as a peer educator, a paid, part-time position that serves as a bridge between the staff and the communities they serve.”--BuzzFeed

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