The Life In A Day: Mike Murdock (Episode 3) | Buzz Blog

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Life In A Day: Mike Murdock (Episode 3)

Posted By on June 16, 2014, 7:52 PM

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The Life in a Day is a monthly video series designed as a creative challenge for local skaters to produce a video in the span of one day. The ultimate goal is to illustrate an honest portrait of the skater, to capture how they skate, how they think, how they interpret public space and architecture. This month's episode focuses on local skater Mike Murdock.---

Mike Murdock is a SLC skateboarding gem! Anybody that has the pleasure of calling him a friend or just met him along the way somewhere, will tell you what a kind, humble and genuine person he is.Oh yeah and that he rips on a skateboard. Mike is also an exceptional artist. His creativity is revealed in his art and his skateboarding and the two forms of expression influence and compliment each other seamlessly. He sees the city and his surroundings different than anybody and will find a way to skate almost anything, no matter how rugged and busted up the spot may be. He looks at art the same way, often using found objects and neglected junk to paint on and turn into art. If he can’t skate it, he can probably paint something on it, and sometimes both.


When I met up with Mike the morning of our shoot, we had no solid plans, no solid spots or concepts. You see, with Mike, you just have to put him on a board and he will find something to skate, a spot you probably missed or didn’t think was skate-able, and then he will do something amazing with it. So we just cruised around the city with some homies and skated, pushed each other, had fun, and got creative. This is The Life In A Day with Mike Murdock...

Although Mike is a die hard skateboarder, the majority of his time his rightfully spent with his wife and raising his daughter and his free time to skate is limited. So when Mike does get small windows of time to skate, he goes hard. When I presented Mike with the challenge of filming a The Life In A Day episode, he seemed pretty psyched! But, his enthusiasm wasn't really geared towards the whole video idea, he was genuinely pumped to just go out and skate for a few hours. It’s this type of energy and humility that makes Mike so special. 

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