In The Loop: 6/28/14. Getting Artsy Before It Burns | Buzz Blog

Saturday, June 28, 2014

In The Loop: 6/28/14. Getting Artsy Before It Burns

Posted By on June 28, 2014, 11:59 PM

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Hello to all you art-browsing, painting-hanging, sculpture-touching, music-listening, roasted nut-eating, performance-watching, Arts-Fest-enthusiasts! —- If you haven't been following my Twitter this weekend, you might wanna start, especially if you're not going to the Utah Arts Fest so you can at least get a glimpse of what's happening. I'll have more on Monday, but for now, follow me.

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Getting into events, for those of you who weren't aware, the late and beloved film critic Jeff Michael Vice had a major hand in helping program a lot of the smaller film festivals and single-night movie showcases around the valley. Partially to bring good cinema to the Wasatch Front for a low cost, but mostly for fun and just because he could. In his honor, the Geek Show Podcast and all of it's panelists will be hosting their monthly movie night at Brewvies (another gig Vice booked regularly), by picking two of his favorites for you to see. 2004's superhero sequel Spider-Man 2, and 2013's violent and drunken conclusion to The Cornetto Trilogy, The World's End. Both of these films are absolutely free to attend, but the food and drinks are not. And as Jeff would advise you at the start of every GSMN screening, “Tip your waitstaff handsomely!”


The rest of the week is pretty much concerts until we get to Burn Down The City Day. I'm sorry- I mean the 4th Of July. If you'd like to escape watching SLC burn down and would rather see fires in the desert, Shred Fest will take over a small venue at Fort Deuchesne. No booze or drugs are allowed, but you're free to come rock out to this all-ages bash in the middle of nowhere.


On July 5, I'll be drunk somewhere with a burger in one hand and a beer in the other. But if that isn't your kind of party, there's a more sophisticated one at The Leonardo where their Drink & Draw night will happen that Saturday. This month will be a Geisha and Samurai theme with models sitting in for 20-30 minutes. $15 for patrons, $12 for members and the fun starts at 6:30 p.m.

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Next week, wouldn't you know, it's yet again mostly concerts until we hit the weekend. The Wasatch Roller Derby will be hosting a game at the Derby Depot at 7p.m. featuring the Midnight Terror against STAHR. Should be a badass game worth checking out.


But if roller derby isn't your thing, the 2014 Alt Press Fest will take over the City Library yet again on July 12. Come check out several print artists, cartoonists, zine makers and various DIY print creators as they show off their talent and give/sell their finest works to you for cheap! This event is totally free and is always awesome to check out, you should at least pop in for a few minutes to see what's coming out of the local art community.


As for the blog, over the next couple weeks we'll tackle the Utah Arts Fest, Fantasy Con, a local comedian, a couple local artists and get our drink on at a distillery. At least, that's the plan, who the hell knows how things we'll go starting Monday. As always, we'll see what happens.

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