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A mass grave discovered in Mexico may be filled with student protesters who have been missing for over a week.
Top of the Alty World
“A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico”—
The Atlantic
Farmers Market Fraud is a widespread problem and in California a task force has been created to fight the problem.—
Modern Farmer
Women's reproductive rights are at risk of being put on the back burner as United Nations' member countries draft sustainable development goals.—
The Nation
A federal database tracking drug and device payments to doctors is missing over $1 billion in payments.—
Top of Alty Utah
The US Supreme Court has declined to hear any same-sex marriage cases, legalizing same-sex marriage in Utah.—
Utah Political Capitol
The Utah State School Board has announced its four top finalists for superintendent with a list that doesn't include Becky Lockhart and only has one candidate that ever taught in the Utah educational system.—
Utah Politico Hub
Q Salt Lake rounds up the happy and sad reactions of Utah politicos over the same-sex marriage news.—
Q Salt Lake
Salt Lake City Weekly offers a handy guide for all you fretting over registering to vote and figuring out who the hell to vote for.—
Salt Lake City Weekly
Slate looks at the troubling implication of the Supreme Court's failure to address the same-sex marriage question head on.
“For the court to imagine that there will be an ideal moment, next month or in January, when it believes the nation is fully ready to accede to gay marriage, suggests that the court isn’t merely aware of public opinion, but hostage to it.
The court should not be in the business of gingerly surfing public opinion until it’s safe enough to ride that wave into shore. And by waiting (or even talking publicly about thinking about waiting) for the majority of Americans to climb on board before ruling, the court is failing at its most vital task: protecting civil liberties from majorities not inclined to wait.”—
The Long View
New York magazine looks at how the proliferation of drones and drone technology give us super human powers.
“If you were creating, from scratch, a taxonomy to describe all machines, these drones would not belong to the same species. They would probably not belong to the same phylum. The technology of unmanned flight has diversified so rapidly that there are now 1,500 different kinds of drones being manufactured, and they are participants in nearly every type of human endeavor, composing a whole flying-robot ecology so vast that to call every one by the same name can seem absurd. But drone, an impossible word, is also a perfect one.
Each of these machines gives its human operator the same power: It allows us to project our intelligence into the air and to exert our influence over vast expanses of space. Drones have become important to the pursuit of isis, the plans of Amazon and Google, the management of farmland in Asia, the protection of pyramids in the Andes. Just within the past two weeks, Facebook has announced a trial of a drone-based wireless internet, the delivery conglomerate DHL has revealed that it will use the machines to ship packages to isolated German islands in the North Sea, and the U.S. government has decided to allow Hollywood production companies to film from drones, making possible visual angles that have so far existed only in animation.”—
New York