In The Loop: 1/24/15. No Slumberdance For You! | Buzz Blog

Saturday, January 24, 2015

In The Loop: 1/24/15. No Slumberdance For You!

Events you should check out from Jan. 25 to Feb. 7

Posted By on January 24, 2015, 6:00 PM

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Hello to all you line-standing, cold-weathering, ticket-snatching, celebrity-watching, film-reviewing, I'm-totally-going-to-post-this-on-my-Tumblr enthusiasts! For the eighth year in a row, Gavin's Underground proudly touts itself as being your source for absolutely nothing involving Slumberdance in the hills of Park City. That's right, we have absolutely nothing to promote from the festival and will continue not to do so over the course of the week. If you want your festival fix, Scott Renshaw is reviewing the festival live for as long as he can tolerate the cold and film snobs who have swarmed in to cover this for their third-rate film blogs, which they run from a server in Cincinnati. Before we get to events, in lieu of a 337 Wall update, here's some random downtown art, this one from Daniel Overstreet.

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First up, on Sunday, for those of you who want films but don't want to deal with all the unnecessary bullshit that comes with it, Geek Show Movie Night will be taking over Brewvies to play you a pair of films. The Raid: Redemption and Dredd will be your films for the evening, completely free to watch starting at 5pm. The films are free, but the food and drinks aren't, so be sure to tip the waitstaff.

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On Monday, January 26, the crew from Salt City Slam return to Weller Book Works at Trolley Square for an evening of slam poetry. This month's special guest will be Zachary Kluckman, an award winning slam poet and nationally recognized name in the art. Followed by the group's monthly slam with the theme of "From Poetry." You can find more details on their Facebook event page.

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Moving along to Thursday, Salt Lake Comic Con will present FanXperience, once again taking over the Salt Palace from January 29-31. Nevermind the celebrity lineup or planned happenings during all three days, this particular event, above all previous ones, will be the true test of local geekdom. Aside from the fact that it's being held only four months after the biggest Comic Con in SLC to date, it's being held in late January with highs looking to only reach 45, and the inversion set to be back in full force by Wednesday. We'll see how it all pans out as I cover the event from my own perspective all three days. Find me and you may get Tweeted.

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Speaking of terrible air (and a terrible time to hold a rally), the "Clean Air, No Excuses" rally will be taking place on Capitol Hill on January 31, from Noon-1 p.m. Yes, the Capitol will be closed, and the air will be near-chewable at that point in the day, but its your chance to make your voices heard as a city about the horrible excuse for an environment we have across the Wasatch Front. Show your support to getting our air clean!


Later that evening there will be a pair of events to check out, the first being the first official bout from Wasatch Roller Derby during their 2015 season. The bout will feature the Black Diamond Divas vs. The Hot Wheelers in what should be a badass competition. You can purchase tickets through their website, game starts at 7 p.m.

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The other event will be Area 51's monthly Fetish Night. We're highlighting this one specifically because it marks the 12th anniversary of the monthly costumed event, with this month's focus being "Cirque Du Fetish." Wear whatever suits your fancy and fits the theme to get a discount at the door, and enjoy a night of partying with your fellow freaks and American Horror Story fans.


Next week doesn't have a lot going for it until you get into the later half. On Thursday, February 5, Ogden will be looking into their own Green Bike program and they're looking for public input. Union Station will be the focal point for the discussion as the city looks on how to best implement plans and make the city more bike-friendly. Find more details about it on their Facebook event.

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On Friday, February 6, The Mandate Press will be throwing their annual Prints & Pints show, focused of course on drinking while you check out the awesome artwork around you. Head over to their main Street shop to check out 20 different prints while you drink and have some cool conversations. You must be 21 or older to attend.

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And then finally from January 6-7, The BBoy Federation will be holding their own history lesson on hip hop and dancing styles as they bring back They Reminisce to the Rose Wagner. This is a great show to see a visual history of the culture performed live, while learning about the struggles of those who developed it. Head to to purchase tickets.

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As for the blog, keep an eye on me later this week as I'll be doing live tweeting from the convention floor of FanX, as well as daily recaps of what I observed and participated in. Topic-wise, we'll keep the next two weeks a mystery. As always, we'll see what happens.

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