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A billionaire car dealer's generous donations may be what makes Sen. Marco Rubio's Presidential run.
Top of the Alty World
"Marco Rubio's 2016 Campaign Could Depend on This Billionaire Car Dealer"—
Mother Jones
Medicare spent $4.5 billion last year on new, pricey medications that cure hepatitis C—more than 15 times what it spent the year before on older treatments, at an expense to be covered largely by federal taxpayers.—
Despite congressional opposition, the United States edges closer to controversial deal with Iran.—
Democracy Now!
Eugene Weekly looks at the dawn of legal marijuana in Oregon and how the state is preparing for the budding industry.—
Eugene Weekly
Top of Alty Utah
President Obama will be in Utah Friday, and Governor Herbert plans to bend his ear on issues crucial to Utahns.—
Utah Policy
Utah Political Capitol recaps the legislative session and talks with Lt. Governor Spencer Cox about the session and voter participation.—
Utah Political Capitol
Recent analysis of Gallup poll data shows Salt Lake City as the metropolitan area with the 7th highest LGBT population in the United States.—
Q Salt Lake
New townhomes are going up adjacent the Sugar House streetcar S-Line, but they won't be cheap.—
SL City News
Slate argues that Democrats like Hillary Clinton won't be campaigning seriously on fighting income inequality in 2016.
But despite the obvious utility of a combative, working-class message—I will fight for your rights against the banks and the fat cats—it’s not going to happen. So far, Clinton is more interested in consensus than conflict, and there’s little chance that will change in her official presidential campaign.
Put differently, Clinton has no interest in offending donors and other wealthy supporters. Or, as Scheiber writes, “Though she derided the Republican practice of cutting taxes on the wealthy,” writes Scheiber, “she made no mention of tax increases or more aggressive measures, like capping the pay of chief executives or modestly taxing stock market transactions.”—Slate
The Long View
A Vietnamese-American man explains why he became an English teacher and what it means to live between two worlds.
We have the luxury of living in a country that is not regularly confronted by history on a massive scale. We live in a nation of such diversity of experience that we can sometimes be selective about the historical happenings that matter to us. What's more, we do history to other people. And I say this not in an accusatory way, but it is something I still deeply feel as a Vietnamese-American. Talk to Vietnamese people and you won't often find a sense of grievance or victimization because of the war. What you will sometimes find is a sense of loss not different from that felt by members of the Lost Generation or those who lived through the World War I. The only difference is we don't have a Hemingway to dramatize and explain this feeling to others.
In teaching, my students and I get to engage and unpack ideas, to make sense of things. We ask questions and defend claims. We draw lines between things, or make existing lines more visible. Teaching gives me continuity. Teaching makes things make sense. The same can't really be said for the history of Vietnam, or in my family history.—Salt Lake City Weekly