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Hello to all you BBQ-making, sun-bathing, lemonade-fixing, get-to-take-a-rest-on-a-weekend enthusiasts. To you few who get to take this weekend off, I'm jealous, as what should have been a relaxing two days for me has become stressful, because I'm in the process of figuring out how a circa-1930s plumbing system works. You see, kids, your Uncle Gavin lives somewhere in SLC where a lot of his building's main issues have been issues since the '70s, before a lot of us were ever conceived. So he's currently in the process of figuring out how in the hell you can screw up something that should be easy and turn it into a complicated mess that clogs every few weeks. Needless to say, this will be a rather short post. Oh hey, here's some downtown art as a distraction.
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Since I don't have many spare moments to type up my thoughts on events for the next two weeks, I'm going to post a few you should go check out, and tell you to trust me. The blog will be back Monday with a music interview and a lot of awesome things coming up over the next few weeks. In the meantime, we'll see what happens... with this stupid sink.
Sunday, July 12:
Urban Flea Market
Tuesday, July 14:
Jaws Live Auditions and Joke Bounty @ Mo's (comedy)
Thursday, July 16:
Ririe-Woodbury - Meet the Choreographer: Adam
Barruch @ Rose Wagner
Saturday, July 18:
Urban Arts Festival 2015 @ Gateway Mall
Saturday, July 18:
Hippie Glow Run 5K @ Liberty Park
Friday, July 24: Taste of the Town @ Layton Commons Park