In The Loop: 8/8/15. Hot Fun In The Summer | Buzz Blog

Saturday, August 8, 2015

In The Loop: 8/8/15. Hot Fun In The Summer

A look at events from August 9-22

Posted By on August 8, 2015, 11:00 AM

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Hello to all you sunbathing, bike-renting, margarita-making, movie-watching, BBQ-grilling, night-walking, festival-loving, outdoor-seeking, catching-the-last-months-of-fun-before-fall enthusiasts! Hand to the sky, I heard a woman last week ask aloud "how can something this lovely be cancerous?" when looking at her tan. It's always good to know that the generations to come are checking up on health studies and finding new ways to ignore what we already figured out. But hey, you only go around this sun so many times, might as well enjoy it while you can. Before we get to events, here's some random art from downtown SLC.

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We'll start on Monday, August 10, with the formal return of Comedy & Other Opinions to a proper venue with their Deluxe Edition. A mere $5 at 50 West will get you in to see the likes of Amerah Ames, Aaron Orlovitz, Eileen Dobbins, Toy Soup, Nicholas Don Smith and Natashia Mower, all hosted by Jason Harvey! That's one hell of a lineup for a cheap price, definitely worth your time to check out.

click to enlarge deluxe.webp

On Wednesday, August 12, The Bee: True Stories From The Hive will take over the Urban Lounge. Starting at 8 p.m., 10 randomly chosen participating storytellers will come up on stage and speak about this month's theme, "Lost & Found." If you're a writer or are into storytelling of any kind, this is a must-attend event for you. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door.

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If you're looking for something fun and outdoors in the next week, on Saturday, August 15, Provo Canyon Outfitters will be throwing the Float Provo River event. It is exactly as it sounds, at 10 a.m. they will send hundreds of people floating down the river. Well, the safe parts at least, we highly doubt they're going to send you down any of the rocky parts with just a vest and a foam tube. But is it a chance to see a part of Utah that many only check out between Provo and Deer Creek Reservoir. More information can be found on their Facebook listing.


Later that day, which you'll already see everywhere on this website and most likely in the week's issue of City Weekly, we're throwing our 6th Annual Utah Beer Festival. This year we're taking over Library Square, offering you w wide array of brews from some of Utah's finest breweries. Check out more info at this link.

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Finally, next week on Saturday, August 22, we'll see one of the latest annual events, Slide The City. If you haven't attended this one before, the short version is that the put a giant waterslide down Main Street, starting at 300 North and ending at North Temple. You sign up in waves for two hours of time to go down the slide, and every two hours the groups change out. You can sign up to participate at this link.

click to enlarge slide.webp

As for the blog, a lot of cool things are starting to surface as we start reaching the end of summer, check back every-other-day to see what's happening around the state. As to what we'll cover... as always, we'll see what happens.

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