gypsy soul GALLERY | Buzz Blog

Friday, August 12, 2016

gypsy soul GALLERY

Browsing through East Broadway's latest shop.

Posted By on August 12, 2016, 1:00 AM

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East Broadway is continuing to experience a local-business resurgence. One of the newest additionsis gypsy soul GALLERY, a clothing boutique that shreds the boutique angle and focuses more on being a gallery. The items within are viewed more as art for the person and the soul, making the experience of shopping for something new to wear more of a personal journey, rather than finding something that looks cute. Today we chat with founder Heather Williams about starting up the shop and the work she's done so far, along with pictures from the gallery.

Heather Williams
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gypsy soul Gallery on Facebook

Gavin: Hey Heather, first thing, tell us a little bit about yourself.

I'm a free-spirited gypsy soul, who believes that what I’m am seeking is seeking me. I see the light in the world around me and find inspirations through my travels and experiences. I love sharing a platform with artists of all types to inspire others. It's my way of giving back to an industry that gave my artistry an outlet for so many years. 

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What first got you interested in fashion growing up? Did you create anything yourself, or was it more a knack for what you liked?

Fashion has always been second nature for me. The entirety of the gallery's interior—from the white walls, floors, and clothing racks, to the moss wall installation—were all done by me. I carefully selected a local furniture designer to craft the oversized tufted purple velvet ottoman, commissioned imported Indonesian hand carved chairs and an enchanting mirror, that lets you know you’re in another world. I worked long days and nights for about a month to complete the Alice In Wonderland feel.

Prior to the shop, what had you been doing career-wise?

I've been a stylist for 17 years. My career started in New York City doing hair and makeup for magazine editorials. It was an exciting time working with artists of all types. Through meeting various fashion designers and musicians, I moved to Los Angeles to further my career in the film and music video industry.

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What was the big influence that made you want to start a boutique?

My life-long interactions with creative souls. My vision is to create a space that houses all of my passions and gives them a place to continually grow—a space that can function as an art gallery, clothing store and host live artist showcases. My hope for gypsy soul GALLERY is to be a continued shared space of inspiration.

How did you come across the spot on Broadway?

I canvased the different neighborhoods in Salt Lake City, and would walk around to better feel the vibes of each neighborhood. I fell in love with Third & Broadway due to its budding downtown vibe. At this point in time, there were two open spaces, and upon further inquiries, I learned they had been rented. I did not give up on the area and did a little more digging. I was informed the day after Christmas that a space at Second & Broadway would soon be available. It was a sign from the universe and a wonderful holiday gift!

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Where did the name come from? What was it like setting up shop and getting what you needed?

The name "gypsy soul" is a reflection of how I see myself in the fashion industry. I chose to call it a gallery rather than a boutique because I believe what we wear is art. This idea has been a long-time vision, and upon arriving in Salt Lake City, I finally saw my dream coming to fruition. Each collection is created by designers I know and love, all of whom share the Boho chic vibes I treasure. The clothing and accessories are effortless yet strikingly chic and continuously elegant. All our human interactions create feelings which invoke inspiration, resulting in creative expression. I carefully curated the brands to compliment each other that showcase throughout the seasons, with a continuing key ingredient that brings the bohemian chic beach vibe to the mountains. Styling the guests with a head-to-toe look that reflects a day at the beach while being a perfect fit for the mountains, is a dream come true. Exploring new style concepts with each individual, while sharing life experiences, allows this space's aura to embody love and light. As with all art, bringing a concept to reality is the most daunting. This journey has been overwhelming and full of self-discovery, and came to life through perseverance. The reality of the costs of creating my vision without compromising quality lead me down the path of investing sweat equity.

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What made you decide to focus on women rather than across the board? How did the grand opening go for you?

Women's clothing, accessories and shoes are just the start. The gallery is constantly blossoming and collaborating with other local business, in time a grand opening will reveal itself.

What's your process in picking what to have on display for the shop?  Do you try to incorporate local wears into the mix, or is it more catered to stuff people can't normally get locally?

The artistic process is carefully curating a bohemian chic beach vibe for the mountains. The gallery continues to collaborate with local businesses and creative souls to further introduce designers and artist from my travels.

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Aside from the clothing, what other services do you sell and provide that people may not know about?

The gallery houses clothing, accessories, shoes, and handbags. It will continue to host live music, yoga, acupressure, and introduce new experiences.

For those unsure of what they're looking for when they come in, what do you recommend?

I love when a new guest comes in; it's when they first get introduced to the concept of gypsy soul GALLERY. The concept invites you to consider the idea that you yourself are a canvas. What you wear, your life experiences and your stories are your art. People are emotional beings with unique individual stories all that can be expressed or accented by collections available.

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What can we expect from you and the shop over the rest of the year?

You can expect more local collaborations, including the third Friday of each month for Gallery Stroll. The continuing introduction of new brands and collections from artists of all types. I'm working diligently on a website that captures the vision and offers a unique shopping experience for locals and those visiting Salt Lake City. Keep in touch with gypsy soul GALLERY through Instagram and you can reach us at

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