Salt Lake City Weekly

Movie Reviews: Creed II, Green Book, Ralph Breaks the Internet, Robin Hood, The Front Runner

Your Thanksgiving weekend movie line-up

Scott Renshaw Nov 21, 2018 12:00 PM
Sylvester Stallone and Michael B. Jordan in <em>Creed II</em>
MGM Pictures
Sylvester Stallone and Michael B. Jordan in Creed II
Holiday movie season gets its launch with a pair of sequels, a couple of awards-season fact-based dramas and yet another screen incarnation of everyone's favorite resident of Sherwood Forest.

The Rocky saga continues in Creed II with a solid tale  of making peace with the legacy of the past.

MaryAnn Johanson finds Green Book avoiding condescending awfulness in its buddy story about 1960s racism by emphasizing the strong lead performances. The latest version of Robin Hood manages to be lacking in fun, romance and virtue.

Eric D. Snider notes that The Front Runner's tale of a 1980s political scandal becomes a standard biopic, missing a chance for contemporary relevance.

In this week's feature review, Ralph Breaks the Internet packages a story about finding new challenges in a lot of smiling corporate synergy.