Music Live Extra Jan. 13: A weekend at Garage on Beck | Buzz Blog

Monday, January 13, 2020

Music Live Extra Jan. 13: A weekend at Garage on Beck

Two nights of local acts who engage in varying forms of the far-out.

Posted By on January 13, 2020, 1:18 PM

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click to enlarge Jacob T. Skeen - VIA FACEBOOK
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  • Jacob T. Skeen
Jacob T. Skeen, Monster Hands, International Society of Rock n’ Roll, DJ Mariano

If you’ve never seen a one man band, you need to see Jacob T. Skeen, who not only serves up smoldering psychobilly all on his own, but pounds his drums and strums his guitar all dolled up in a suit. He plays ferociously, and has been relentlessly taking up stages around the valley, keeping up with his own fast guitar playing and steady kick-drumming, while a single cymbal shimmers in front of his jostling knees. He’s joined by a perfectly fit act, new-ish local band Monster Hands, who aren’t as scary as they sound, but they are as campy. With song titles like “Do You Wanna (see my hands)” and “Monster Hands and the Hand Jive (its gonna hurt),” Monster Hands manages to make songs sung from the perspective of a moody monster actually groove. Their simplistic, vintage garage set-up is tinged with a certain vampiric spookiness due to the presence of a warbly, ‘60s-sounding organ that delivers a punch of pulp. Besides being terribly weird and funny, seemingly just for the sake of being those things, the band really does land. Surrounding Joey Mayes (of The Nods) as the vocalist and man with the hands, the group succeeds in contributing their own campy dose of weirdness to the of horror-punk vibe of the Cramps or Kid Congo Powers. The night will also feature a DJ set by a member of the International Society of Rock n’ Roll, DJ Mariano. If you like rock on vinyl, psychedelic stylings, or just wanna see those monster hands, head over to the Garage on Friday.  Garage on Beck, 1199 N. Beck Street, 7:30 p.m., $7, 21+,

click to enlarge Moodlite - BEN ALLEN
  • Ben Allen
  • Moodlite


If you can’t make it Friday, there’s another night of funky tunes happening on Saturday. Fans of the thoroughly “out there” can find the expansive, experimental musings of Moodlite over at Garage on Beck this Saturday. The four-piece deals in an electro-infused take on funk and soul, resulting in a sultry, futuristic sound that has been captivating locals for the last few months that they’ve been making the rounds. After a year together, the group have moved from the intensity of promising, yet comparatively stripped-down songs like “Passenger” to efforts like the recent drama-imbued single “Void.” The time in between these songs demonstrates a narrowed focus, one more focused on tripping you out, with glitches, layered vocals and ghostly piano crafting a more complex sonic vision for the listener. Frontwoman Katya Schweiner also doesn’t fail to deliver on the drama one picks up on when hearing her deep and serious voice. She can reliably be found decked out in the gear of an elegant space princess when she delivers her performances on stage, her vocals leading the way through each song. Garage on Beck, 1199 N. Beck Street, 7:30 p.m., $7, 21+,

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Erin Moore

Erin Moore

Erin Moore is City Weekly's music editor. Email tips to:

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