Salt Lake City Weekly

SLC Music News: March 30

Creative Community Fund, livestream scams and a quarantine playlist.

Erin Moore Mar 30, 2020 13:54 PM
Creative Community Fund is Here to Help
If you run in art circles, you may have seen posts about how ironic it is that while everyone is locked up indoors, and we are collectively relying on art more than ever, the people who make art are all out of jobs and worried about their livelihoods. Television, film, books, animated series, tutorials on how to make your own freakin’ bread or cocktails—all are suddenly essential for filling the time cooped up at home. The artists and entrepreneurs in SLC, who fill our city with music, drinks, good records, fancy haircuts, handmade goods and everything having to do with, well, culture know how to look after themselves. But now, they’re asking everyone else to help look out for them, too.

Just days ago, the Creative Community Fund was founded primarily by the International Society of Rock 'n' Roll, a local record and music collective that spins the wickedest records at bars all over town, and helped set up fantastic shows with locals like The Boys Ranch and Mañanero. In a statement on the fund and how it works for Salt Lake City’s creative community, they say: "Established to help Salt Lake City’s independent content creators, musicians and service industry workers who have been significantly impacted by the economic fallout of Covid-19, the fund is community-driven. This means the more money we raise, the more people we can help. To kick things off, we’ll be chipping in the first $500. If you’re in a position to, please donate today. If you're not, sharing this post helps too. Now is the time to think of our friends and neighbors, who bring art, and music and good times to our city."

The fund is also a collaboration with many of our local arts and nightlife pillars, including Alibi Bar, S&S Presents, Anchor Stage Management, The State Room Presents, Bar X, Stef’s Place, Beer Bar, Rebel Union Entertainment, The Urban Lounge, Quarters Arcade Bar and Uinta Brewing. Although compensation is coming along soon for many from the government, with the complicated matter of taxes and the fact that it's a measly $1,200, any extra help for those out of work is welcome. Service workers, content creators and musicians can find applications to fill out the website. Those in comfortable positions who’ve enjoyed the music and marvels of SLC’s arts and nightlife scene are encouraged to donate as well (or pick up a very stylish logo shirt, if that’s your thing). Follow them on Instagram @creative_comm_.

Beware the Phony Live Stream
If you've been trawling show listings on Facebook, searching for new live-streaming events being put on by local artists, you might have seen puzzling listings for events like “𝙻𝙸𝚅𝙴⊵ Post Malone Concert in Salt Lake City <"LiveStream">**@2020” or “Chromatics and Desire at Metro Music Hall, Salt Lake City, UT, US [Livenow].” They seemed to suggest that bands originally scheduled to tour through Salt Lake City before the quarantine business started are still doing events at the venues, only live-streaming it instead of playing for an audience. The other possibility is that these artists are not touring at all, but filming a video and sharing it to venues for them to stream. But that doesn’t really make sense either. There are also multiple published events for the same “live stream events,” with Post Malone being listed three different times under different Facebook events with varying titles.

Some folks might immediately recognize these listings as scams, but with so much uncertainty and the sudden influx of online streaming events, you might miss the fine print. None of these events list the actual venue they’re supposedly “at” as hosts, and venues like The Complex or Vivint Smart Home Arena wouldn’t let events at their venues be posted without listing the venue as a co-host.

In 2018, The Outline covered the phenomenon of fake live streams popping up all over YouTube. It seems that something similar is happening here, but now it’s linked to Facebook events and the promise of a future live-stream event, with a link to sketchy sites that prompt you to make an account and enter your credit card info. On most of the sites you’re led to from Facebook, there are almost-convincing streams of “live” comments steadily flowing in a chat box below the blank screen where the video will later “play.” But comments from these definite bots like “great set, bro” don’t make sense when there’s literally nothing happening on the screen.

The lesson here? If it seems too good to be true, it is. Wait to see your favorite artists in the summer or fall, when this whole thing is hopefully under control. Only trust events posted by an actual local venue or booker, and don’t give stupid internet bots your attention or time.

By Emma Roberts

Cat Stevens
Aldous Harding
“The Barrel,” Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding surely would not have survived the Salem witch trials. Her gaze and voice are beyond bewitching, and you either love or hate it. Either way, her haunting, melancholy cadence is more than appropriate for our new quarantined lives. While spring has barely sprung, her words, “Look at all the peaches, I want to celebrate” accurately describes longing to celebrating the warming days. I recommend riding your bike along to this song while appreciating the blossoming trees in the next few weeks.

“The Empty Party,” Fake Laugh
Fake Laugh’s—aka Berlin-born singer-songwriter Kamran Khan—latest album release Dining Alone came at an eerily appropriate time. The doubled tracking of his vocals gives off a disorienting vibe, mirroring my own feelings during these strange times. If Fake Laugh were to be described in a picture, it would be enjoying a glass of wine during the golden hour. If you haven’t already, listen to this sunshine-soaked indie pop artist while enjoying your own “empty party."

“Across the Void,” Your Meteor
Thomas Jaques is one of Salt Lake’s own virtuosos, and a key member of the lately inactive band Your Meteor. Jaques’ guitar playing is complex and beautiful, and accompanies lyrics that paint vivid stories, as good lyrics should. “Across the Void” features layered melodies reminiscent of the Beatles. While Your Meteor is no longer, their music is still available on Bandcamp. Keep an eye (or an ear) out for Jaques’ latest project, Anodos.

“This Feeling,” Alabama Shakes
This should be on everyone’s “I’m freaking out” playlist, pandemic or no pandemic. There is nothing like good ol’ American blues music to soothe the soul. Pair that with Brittany Howard cooing, “It feels so nice to know I’m gonna be alright” and you’ll be having yourself a real nice time, real soon.

“I’m Only Sleeping,” The Beatles
An oldie but forever a goodie. While the Beatles for me are my number one comfort band, this track in particular resonates these days. “Keeping an eye on the world going by my window” is (or at least should be) everyone’s mantra at the moment. Lazing in the sunshine with John, Paul, and George harmonizing in the background makes staying inside not so bad. Take some advice from the Fab Four and enjoy that afternoon nap while you can!

“Earthquake,” Beachmen
A little dark humor. Or maybe it’s just dark. I feel this song by our local boys Beachmen is maybe a little too on-the-nose. The chorus has been playing in my head for the last week, ever since we were all fortunate enough to enjoy a big boy earthquake together. Throw this one on, laugh, cry and support your local music.

“The Bug Collector," Haley Heynderickx
This song has it all: Beautiful guitar, pleasing harmonies and insects galore. Haley Heynderickx sings of a day filled with collecting different bugs around her apartment. She swears the little creatures are out to get her, as she encounters little guy after little guy. Unfortunately, I’m sure some of us will relate to this as we are stuck at home with our loved ones, roommates and buggy friends.

“Spring,” Angel Olsen
Angel Olsen is my queen. She has the voice of, well, an angel, she’s unbelievably beautiful, and has an attitude to match. Angel is a go-to for a moody me. While she is singing of heartbreak (when isn’t she?) her words—“don’t take it for granted, love it when you have it”—are words I can’t help but relate to during this time.

“Ages Ago," Forth Wanderers
There is nothing like a good emo indie band to satisfy the daily angst that is shaping up to be 2020. Forth Wanderers have employed a tin-can-telephone style of collaborative composition, even when they all were living in their hometown of New Jersey. Guitarist Ben Gutrel will often compose a skeleton version of a song, and send it to vocalist Ava Trilling for her contributions. This unique style of writing defines the sound that is Forth Wanderers. This method, however, is not so unique to musicians today, myself included. If this marks the near future of music-making, Forth Wanderers don’t make it sound so bad.

“Heroes,” David Bowie
I have been clinging to this song for dear life. Bowie is a symbol of resilience and hope for me, and he has been (and always will be) one of my idols. Listening to this song on daily walks has not failed to lift my spirits, yet. We all need that song that motivates us in one way or another. I would also recommend listening to the French and German recordings, as they are equally delightful, and somehow remind us that we are all facing this together. Cliche or not, listen to this song with your arms in the air, and take a deep breath in. I guarantee you will feel better.