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New plant-based food lifestyle helped with cancer recovery
By Carly Fetzer
A nurse at Primary Children’s Hospital, Kate Dowden, known as Nurse Kate, was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, which led her to embrace a whole, plant-based food diet that aided in her recovery.
Talking about the ins & outs of the Building Man festival
By Carly Fetzer
The group of artists, inventors and creatives known as the Jenkstars goes back to 2007 with Scotty “Soltronic” Whitaker and his mobile solar-powered generator, Saucey, the Solar Saucer, which generates energy
Some of us look out our car windows at cyclists on touring bikes and think, “Man, that’s impressive, but I couldn’t do that.” If that’s the case, it’s time to grease the brain gears and go on an overnight bike tour.