Recent Articles
Cover Story
April 4, 2018
Ever boisterous and outspoken, state senator says lending liberal voice trumps his bill tally.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- Why, you might ask yourself, is Sen. Jim Dabakis rhythmically rolling a yellow stress ball between his palms as he lounges at his back-row desk in the Senate chamber?
- Tags: Cover Story
March 21, 2018
Row between South Salt Lake and muralist gets the burlesque treatment.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- Blindfolded and muzzled, nine women in nude-colored lingerie also wore brilliant lipstick, but the motorists cruising down State Street on March 10 wouldn't have known it by looking at them.
- Tags: News
Buzz Blog
March 16, 2018
Gov. Herbert signs contested bill into law.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- Residents who live close to that area of the city, as well as conservationists worried about the wetlands that border the Great Salt Lake, feel that the state will disregard their voices.
- Tags: News, Politics
Buzz Blog
March 14, 2018
West High students join nationwide walkout.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- Students were then asked to return quietly to class. Those who made it to their desks before the second-period bell would be marked present.
- Tags: News, Politics
March 14, 2018
City, residents feel lost in the shuffle of inland port authority debate.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- Try as you might, it's hard to believe residents in Layton or Mapleton phoned their elected leaders to demand they establish an inland port authority and charge it with overseeing business in Salt Lake City's sprawling, 3,000-acre northwest quadrant.
- Tags: News
Buzz Blog
March 10, 2018
2018 Utah legislative session recap
March 7, 2018
Overshadowed by Romney, Democratic hopefuls press on in a statewide Senate bid.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- The buildup to Mitt Romney officially declaring his candidacy for U.S. Senate was so slow and suspenseless that by the time it finally happened, you'd be forgiven if your first thought was, "Didn't he already announce this a while ago?"
- Tags: News
Buzz Blog
March 7, 2018
Guv shares thoughts on the proposed Donald J. Trump Utah National Parks Hwy.
Buzz Blog
March 1, 2018
Contested initiative was voted on Wednesday.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- After downing a couple of morning mimosas last week, Sen. Jim Dabakis introduced a bill to delay implementation until three other states also lower their DUI level to .05. It died in committee.
- Tags: News, Politics
February 28, 2018
At the Utah Rabbit Breeders Convention, attendees aim to make bunnies a viable farm to table option.
By Dylan Woolf Harris
- Rabbit: the other other white meat.
- Tags: News
Chicana Voices
Newly tenured Mexican-American women model success for minorities on U of U campus.
November 30, 2016
Biskupski: The First Year
Milestones, missteps line the mayor's first 366 days in office.
January 04, 2017