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How to get from Point A to Point B in SLC-even if you got an F on your driving test
By Ivy Smith
Utah commuters have a way to get anywhere they want downtown, and many places beyond, without having to rely on too much driving or even walking. The main source of public transportation is the
aul Winkelman was the assistant choreographer for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics in both Salt Lake City and Athens, Ga., field directed the 2009 Super Bowl halftime show and was the assistant choreographer for High School Musical 3.
Students can make a difference with meaningful service
By Ivy Smith
People need clean water, secondary education and access to minimal health care. They can really pull themselves up with those small, basic needs that we take for granted in this country.
Sam Stinson’s Salt Lake City studio is overflowing with records. When visitors walk in, they’re greeted with a wall of LPs, and a luckier few get to see his back room, which is stocked floor to ceiling with music from every genre
Genetic discrimination is quiet but all too common
By Ivy Smith
Utah was one of the earliest adopters of mass sterilization and the eugenics program, beginning in about 1925. And I believe that while it was not one of the major centers of genocidal eugenics, Utah was a tag-along participant; altogether, Utah did sterilize close to 800 people.
After struggling with his own addiction, Salt Lake City native Ferril Trevor Davis joined childhood friend Dominic Suazo to start the clothing line Party Sober in 2012.