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During his first four years in the presidency, Donald Trump never said or did anything that was worthy of stardom, particularly anything that anyone could ascribe to his self-proclaimed “stabile genius” and delusional “valedictorian” past. Of course, that didn’t parse, at all, with his perpetual appearances on the front page and prime time of American and world media.
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling extremely uncomfortable. I watched one of the first televised promos from the Oval Office and it left me troubled. Really!
Even the most loyal Republicans have to be realizing the inevitable—that the new order of MAGA insanity must be brought to an end. But that’s going to be a tall order, considering that today’s GOP is almost all spineless, morally bereft and can’t see the big picture because Trump’s fat butt cheeks are wrapped around their faces.
The lovely bride—let’s just call her Donetta T. Rump—had been so convincing before the wedding. You understood that this was going to be the start of a new life and that the entire world would be your oyster. This was the woman you had dreamed of; she was the completion of everything you wanted and everything you hoped to become.
There’s so much going on in America today, it can be overwhelming. If that’s the way you’re feeling, I can heartily recommend a trip to our nation’s capital.
Inauguration Day is supposed to be a happy celebration. This one wasn’t. It totally forgot the American Dream, and it ushers in a new wave of WASP bigotry that may well contribute to our country’s demise.
It’s a New Year, and it’s going to be interesting to see: Will Americans ever awaken from their deep and gentle holiday slumber, or will they simply surrender to the idea that their delusional dreaming is the reality of their lives?
So, you came home from work and you were immediately confronted by a wife, angrier than you’ve ever seen her during your 32 years of relatively-joyous bliss.