Rebecca Vernon | Salt Lake City Weekly

Rebecca Vernon

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  • Tour Diary: Salt Lake City's Subrosa take Europe by storm, and chocolate.
  • Tour Diary: Salt Lake City's Subrosa take Europe by storm, and chocolate.

    • nnnnSalt Lake City dark-rock (don't call it goth) band Subrosa toured Europe in October, supporting their Swedish label debut Strega. The following is is singer-guitarist Rebecca Vernon's best recollection.n nTouring Europe has been my dream for years, and we finally did it: Subrosa toured for nine solid hellish-amazing days in Europe last month, making it through customs, six country borders...
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  • CD Revue

    M.I.A, The Quarter After, Boys Night Out, Flipsyde, Hootie & the Blowfish
    • M.I.A. Arular **** nnM.I.A. sounds like she studied from the feet of Peaches for her teaches on drumbeats and infectious slangy rhymes and nastiness, then hung out with Northern State and Fannypack, who taught her the kitschy street appeal of gross simplicity....
  • CD Revue

    Antimatter, Fruit Bats, Eric Benet, Widow, Hanalei
    • ANTIMATTER Planetary Confinement ****nnWith masterpiece stunners like Planetary Confinement leaking out into the world, one wonders why people still consistently choose crap (i.e. radio). Antimatter’s existential, haunting, atmospheric, acoustic-based...
  • CD Revue

    Kinski, Hard-Fi, Keyshia Cole, Keith Hillebrandt, Junior Varsity
    • KINSKI Alpine Static ****nnIf Rush worshipped Kyuss, they’d sound like Kinski. All instrumental, Kinski’s raw, furry riffs straddle the gap between Fu Manchu and the snooty progginess, avant-garde timing and mad movements of techheads. Kinski,...
  • CD Revue

    Muggs, White Stripes, Get Him Eat Him, Mon Frere, Tsar
    • THE MUGGS The Muggs ****The Muggs are pretty much sex personified, with plump Black Sabbath/T. Rex riffs, an overall classic-rock appeal sans squeaky-clean production, and Ozzy-ish/Robert Plant vocals, blues-swamp guitar solos, crisp, aggressive drumming...
  • CD Revue

    Cloud Cult, Cloud Room, Anna Nalick, Kate Earl, Jana
    • CLOUD CULT Advice From the Happy Hippopotamus ****Um … yeah. Cloud Cult might be the zaniest band you’ve never heard, but they sure as hell are one of the best. A music box and handclaps end the trip-hop breakbeat of “Living on the Outside...
  • CD Revue

    Nine Inch Nails, Audioslave, Black Eyed Peas, Scary Kids, Avenged Sevenfold
    • NINE INCH NAILS With Teeth ****nnWhat, really, is there to say after the most underrated masterpiece of the ‘90s, Nine Inch Nails’ The Fragile? Much, apparently. The Prince of Trentness returns post-rehab with his most accessible album to date'it’s...
  • Yrkoon, Ani DiFranco, Future Leaders ...

    • YYRKOON Occult Medicine **** Yyrkoon render words like “disaster,” “tragedy” and “chaos” into awe-inspiring, anal-retentively organized sonics. Technical acrobatics dazzle the ear while hopelessness drowns the brain....
  • Blood Brothers, Beep Beep, Eisley ...

    • BLOOD BROTHERS Crimes **** Firmly welding the rough, splintered texture of Kill Me Tomorrow with The Centimeters’ disturbing, spastic dementia gets Blood Brothers high marks for brilliance and change-the-world potential and low marks for bromide....
  • The Hidden Hand, Barrett Martin, Lil Jon ...

    • THE HIDDEN HAND Mother Teacher Destroyer **** The Hidden Hand combine the tech-y finesse of Opeth with the bawling elf overtones of Big Business and the fuzz ‘n’ buzz of Sea of Green and Corrosion of Conformity. There’s something ultra-satisfying...

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