Ron Yengich | Salt Lake City Weekly

Ron Yengich

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Category: Opinion4 City Weekly REWIND4

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  • FLASHBACK 1991: George Bush gets a dose of the Four Freedoms.
  • FLASHBACK 1991: George Bush gets a dose of the Four Freedoms.

    1,004 Points of Light
    • The Four Freedoms could have real meaning at home in a country that castigates those who oppose the Persian Gulf war as un-American and who cough the old "America, Love it or Leave It" routine. One can only wonder about the worth of Freedom of Speech and Assembly if these democratic talismans are only available in the lazy, Indian summer days when there is no war, and thus, no reason to take to the streets.
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  • FLASHBACK 1990: Ron Yengich takes on Ronald Reagan's appearance at the witness stand.
  • FLASHBACK 1990: Ron Yengich takes on Ronald Reagan's appearance at the witness stand.

    Geriatric Funk
    • Sneaking up behind the Federal Courthouse was the 40th President of the United States, slithering through the back door to do his best MTV geriatric funk on video for the historical record of his testimony at the criminal trial of John Poindexter. Poindexter was once his trusted confidante during those somnambulate days at the White House. The back door entree was highly symbolic of Reagan’s dodge to avoid the witness box under the guise of a Nixonian theory of executive privilege (Rosemary Woods notwithstanding).
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  • FLASHBACK 1992: Ron Yengich pens a tribute to Ada Duhigg, the "Angel of Bingham Canyon"
  • FLASHBACK 1992: Ron Yengich pens a tribute to Ada Duhigg, the "Angel of Bingham Canyon"

    Goodbye, Miss Duhigg
    • I knew Miss Ada Duhigg only from the perspective of a small boy, but she taught me my first real lessons outside the home. Like many much older than I who came to sing a fond farewell to Miss Duhigg, the lessons only sometimes still hit home, but the spirit, like the sight of the waste dumps across the valley when we look to the west, never leaves us.
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