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  • Guilty Treasures
  • Guilty Treasures

    Gather up a decade of the best/worst music in one convenient track list.
    • How long can you stand apart from a song, revering it with ironic snark before it morphs into genuine love? I’ve embraced my passion for good-bad music for a good 10 years now. Incredible tunes
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  • Music | CD Revue: Mush Records
  • Music | CD Revue: Mush Records

    • n Ten Years of Mush Records Mixtape nA while back, I had the grand idea to make a mix CD with no track breaks; the record would be one continuous track composed of individual songs edited together with sparse transitions. My intention was purely selfish: This format would force the listener through my picks without the ability to skip the ones they might not like while I laughed from my High Thron...
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  • Music | CD Revue: Death Cab for Cutie & Pavement Reissues
  • Music | CD Revue: Death Cab for Cutie & Pavement Reissues

    • nPavement Brighten the Corners nDeath Cab for Cutie Something About Airplanes n nI find it very hard to listen to ’90s music. Give it a couple more years, and maybe that nostalgic itch will strike. Until then, I just can’t look back on the joyless (albeit artistically rich) era fondly. However, recent reissues of seminal ’90s bands may prove that my reservations are unfair and,...
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  • Bullying the Jukebox
  • Bullying the Jukebox

    Ryan Bradford knows what’s best for your musically starved children.
    • Dear Mom and Dad, nI know music isn’t your thing; increasingly confusing band names (Clap your hands and say what?) and know-it-all record stores aren’t much help, either. In spite of all these obstacles, it may seem easier to just get me an iTunes gift card. Hell, I may ask for one, but please, do not heed my requests! nYou see, despite the convenience of digital downloads, they&rsqu...
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  • Music | CD Revue: The Cure, The Legendary Pink Dots

    •  Jurassic ParknAndromeda StrainnCongonR.I.P. Michael Crichton n nnThe Cure 4:13 Dream nnThe Legendary Pink Dots Plutonium Blonde nnDespite Robert Smith’s physical deterioration into a flabby poster child for “goth-gone-wrong,” there’s no denying that The Cure has aged gracefully. Since 2000’s beautifully-subtle Bloodflowers, the band as released solid materi...
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  • Music | CD Revue: Pontiak & Angela Desveaux
  • Music | CD Revue: Pontiak & Angela Desveaux

    • Pontiak Sun on Sun It’s rare to find a band so immersed in their surroundings as Pontiak. Hailing from Virginia, every track on Sun on Sun drips with backwoods rural rock that us cityfolk often find unnerving. The album opens with “Shell...
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