What is Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker thinking by wanting to dim the lights in the city to help balance a $15 million dollar budget shortfall? Is he crazy? It doesn’t sit well with me, and I’m sure others are thinking the same thing. Ralph, I thought city lights are supposed to help fight crime. Why hasn’t Salt Lake City Police Chief Chris Burbank said anything about this ridiculous proposal?
Ralph, have you not been reading the news headlines lately? Violent crimes are way up in Salt Lake County. Shouldn’t that concern you?
The thought of walking through downtown Salt Lake City late at night really scares me, with Ralph’s insidious idea of dimming the lights.
Why don’t they cut back the pay of some positions at City Hall, have some mandatory employee furloughs and raise some taxes? For the love of God, Ralph—leave the lights on! I just want to feel safe and secure in this city.
And why do we have so many people responding to a medical emergency? Are two EMTs and an ambulance not enough? How much are we paying these guys? I routinely see about 10 firefighters standing around with their arms folded, doing nothing, every time someone at my apartment complex calls 911 for a medical emergency, with these big fire-truck engines idling out front. What a waste of precious energy and resources.
What’s that about? Talk about irresponsible spending.
Jordan Taggart
Salt Lake City