I don’t believe in leprechauns, pots of gold at the end of rainbows, or Bono. But I do believe that St. Paddy’s Day is awesome. Arguably, the best place to wear green and crush Irish car bombs is Piper Down (1492 S. State). This Saturday marks the biggest day of the year for Salt Lake City’s most authentic Irish spot. To celebrate Mr. Paddy, the “Olde World” pub will be opening its doors at 10 a.m. and serving up grub like fish & chips, haggis, tatties and, of course, corned beef & cabbage. From noon on, The Red Headed Step Twins, Heathen Highlanders, Rocky Mountain Irish Dancers and The Rebel Celts will provide tunes. To top it off, Piper Down is even claiming to have a real leprechaun. I suppose seeing is believing.