Barbary Coast | Shots In The Dark | Salt Lake City Weekly

Barbary Coast 

Murray joint not just for bikers

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Though frequented by leather-chaps-wearing bikers and their “old ladies,” Barbary Coast (4242 S. State, Murray, 801-265-9889) will not satisfy your need for more episodes of Sons of Anarchy. Sure, it may be decorated with a Harley over the bar and its walls are covered in deer skulls, but don’t let that fool you. If anything, this clean-cut Murray hangout is a great place to eat, dance to live tunes and catch a Jazz game. Weekends feature rowdy rock & roll from local bands such as Ledd Foot, Caveman Blvd. and Black Water Jack. When the weather warms up, the newly installed back patio and stage showcases regional bands as well as national touring acts, like The Fryed Brothers. While you’re there, sip on $2.50 domestics and be sure to try the massive Best Burger for only $7.50. Plus, there’s a free Texas Hold ’Em tourney every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.


That face when you say, “Now, kiss.”
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Barbary Coast’s old ladies.
Maddison McGrath, Nikki McGrath, Tasha Meints


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Twitter: @WolfColin

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