Beer reviews: Red Rock Woolly and Wasatch Tractor Queen Rebellion | Drink | Salt Lake City Weekly

Beer reviews: Red Rock Woolly and Wasatch Tractor Queen Rebellion 

New ideas of what hops can do

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  • Mike Riedel

Red Rock - Woolly: This one pours a turbid apricot color with some coppery-rose highlights; two fingers of white-colored head has a bit of a dirty "off" look to it. The aroma is diesel fuel, dank and herbal in the nostrils, with a touch of pine resins mixed in as well. A sweet bready twang of malt and tropical fruit fill things out in the back, leaving behind a tangy impression of the nose.

Hop bitterness runs through the middle of the profile, being full of earth, spice, citrus peel, and a touch of pine. This is surrounded by a strong fruity blend of sweet citrus, bread and caramel. There seems to be a good deal of bitterness to this, but beyond the tropical fruit, the actual hop flavors get pushed to the side by the heavy sweetness that is present, giving the overall effect of a deep herbal tang. The finish only reinforces the bitterness of the beer, with a dry and dirty grittiness that lingers for quite a bit on the palate. The mouthfeel is mostly medium bodied, with a creamy and slick presence across the tongue, but this just feels a little too light to me. Maybe a little too much slickness to this? It just seemed to be lacking some overall heft and depth on the palate. I will say that the alcohol was hidden well here, at least helping to keep this moderately drinkable.

Verdict: This latest Red Rock Double IPA offering left me craving more New Zealand hops. There was a lot of sweetness and hoppiness present here that drove some really cool melon and cannabis flavors. This double IPA will be a lot of fun to compare with American styles to see how different these hop bills can be.

Wasatch - Tractor Queen Rebellion: I just want to get this out of the way before we get into this beer: Saisons have been hard for me lately. The yeast sometimes can be overwhelming, so my enthusiasm to have a saison wasn't too high. Luckily, this was pretty well-made and easy to drink, as it has all the hop flavor and aroma of an IPA with a light amount of the estery dryness of saison.

It's a nice-looking beer, slightly darker than pilsner malt color, leaning dark yellow to light orange. A big fluffy retaining head features tons of lacing; it's quite hazy, with only the slightest bit of hop haze. The scent offers a really nice blend of aromatic worlds, as bright, slightly sweet/tart citrus hops blend with fruit from the saison yeast. There's very light, pale malt support, with perhaps a hint of wheat.

On the palate, it opens slightly sweet and juicy, with big citrus and fruit character, drying out toward the finish with modestly tart notes. The finish is long and only mildly bitter, with lingering juicy citrus. Malt plays a supporting role, with the yeast again throwing off big flavors. It's supremely easy-drinking, with a bitterness that is pleasant but subdued, and very well carbonated, with that lingering, fruity, juicy finish.

Verdict: For me, there's a good blend of hops and yeast driving this beer. Saison lovers may want more from the yeast, so take that into consideration when ordering this one. But if you're like me, this will be a pleasant summer ale for you.

Tractor Queen Rebellion is only available on draft at Wasatch/Squatters at 1700 s. 300 w. It should be around for a while, but don't wait too long – it's best when fresh. Woolly is available in 16-ounce cans at all Red Rock locations, but I also found it at The Bayou.

As always, cheers!

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About The Author

Mike Riedel

Mike Riedel

Local boy and pilot of City Weekly’s best gig, The Beer Nerd column since 2017. Current photojournalist at KSTU TV (Fox 13) and host of the Utah Beer Blog and Beer Nerd Radio on KUAA 99.9 FM radio.

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