Cannella's Closes | Food News | Salt Lake City Weekly

Cannella's Closes 

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Cannella's Closes
Cannella's Restaurant and Lounge (204 E. 500 South) recently took to social media to announce their decision to permanently close their doors. Though it's been a Utah institution for more than 40 years, I was a late-comer to Cannella's, which is something I regret. My recent visits there revealed a comfortable, welcoming and low-key place to grab some old-school Italian cooking—I'll miss Grandma's Lasagna—with a few new tricks up their sleeve. Dining on Cannella's patio while watching the foot traffic around Library Square was one of the finer ways to spend an evening in downtown Salt Lake, and it's a shame to see another one of Utah's most enduring restaurants throw in the towel.

Utah Students Receive P-EBT Benefits
In a surprise announcement last week, Utah officials have decided to participate in the Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfer program (P-EBT), which offers additional funds to families of schoolchildren who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Utah officials initially declined participation in this program when it was first announced, but have since reconsidered their stance, and secured more than $50 million in federal funds that will be dispersed to families who qualify. Local nonprofit Utahns Against Hunger ( will take the lead on working with local officials and school districts to see these benefits disseminated.

Steak Championship Series Cookoff
The Steak Cookoff Association (—which is essentially the NFL of competitive steak-cooking—will host an officially-sanctioned cookoff on Aug. 1 at BBQ Pit Stop in Lehi (865 W. State Street, 801-341-7171, The main event of this cookoff is steaks, which could net the winner $750 if their steak meets the judges' criteria of appearance, doneness, taste and texture. Secondary cookoffs will be held for burgers and the wildcard category of "anything on a stick," which also come with cash prizes for the winners. The event starts at 10 a.m. and concludes at 4 p.m., with an award ceremony to honor the day's finest grillmasters. If competitive cooking is your side of beef, you'll want to check this out.

Quote of the Week: "In heaven, after antipasti, the first course will be pasta." –Steve Albini

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