Citris Grill, Metropolitan, Black-eyed-pea salad, Ricotta | Wine | Salt Lake City Weekly

Citris Grill, Metropolitan, Black-eyed-pea salad, Ricotta 

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From City Weekly staffers:

Nick Clark: Raisins belong on two things: bran flakes and celery with peanut butter. Imagine how excited I was to find out that the Citris Grill (2991 E. 3300 South, regards raisins the same way! While most bread puddings have raisins in them, Citris bucks the trend and leaves them out. It’s a perfect (and huge) way to end a meal consisting of their risotto cakes with goat cheese and a shrimp, bacon and spinach salad. The meal and service were both fantastic (thanks, Walker); I can’t wait to try their brunch—sans raisins.

Lia Pretorius: I will never be the same after the shiitake mushroom appetizer shared with a friend at the Metropolitan (173 W. Broadway, this week. First off, when you take a wonderful comfort food like mashed potatoes and make it gourmet, I love you! The mashed potatoes sat cozy inside the bottom of a thin, crisp, Yukon gold potato cylinder, topped with a generous portion of mouth-watering, savory shiitakes of perfect texture, along with a rosemary sprig that imparted just enough of its aroma to give the mushrooms the perfect complement. This delicious little tower was surrounded with a lovely red wine reduction ... sheer heaven!

Jamie Gadette: Summer’s here and the last place many people want to be is in a hot kitchen. My friend Katie Lewis introduced me to this great black-eyed-pea salad that’s easy to make and whose flavor improves after a couple of days in the fridge. Whip up a big batch and pair with crusty bread or add tuna to the leftovers for extra heft. Here’s a Web link to this great recipe: od/blackeyedpeas/r/bl1207b.htm

Kathy Mueller: One word: Ricotta. I have finally discovered the moist meat secret. Throw some into your meatball mixings, and voila! Recently, I used it in my chicken enchilada mixture of green chilies, black beans, sautéed sweet onion, chunks of chicken and, you guessed it, ricotta. I have been using the low-fat version—you know: all-thetaste-half-the-fat B.S., and it still tastes great. Dry? Give ricotta a try!

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