City Weekly REWIND | Salt Lake City Weekly

FLASHBACK 1991: George Bush gets a dose of the Four Freedoms.

1,004 Points of Light
The Four Freedoms could have real meaning at home in a country that castigates those who oppose the Persian Gulf war as un-American and who cough the old "America, Love it or Leave It" routine. One can only wonder about the worth of Freedom of Speech and Assembly if these democratic talismans are only available in the lazy, Indian summer days when there is no war, and thus, no reason to take to the streets.

FLASHBACK 1993: Patrick Hurban basks in the atmosphere at Lamb's Restaurant.

Bring a Good Newspaper
There are no other restaurants in Salt Lake City with as much history behind them as Lamb's. It won't be long before they start celebrating their first century here, which is a truly remarkable feat.

FLASHBACK 1989: Salt Lake's new Broadway Stage Theatre opens with The Boys Next Door.

Great Basin Broadway
Except for a welder, seat cleaner and electrician, William Sargent and company did all the renovative work themselves—working 16-hour days for six weeks until opening night. Sargent used his own money and efforts to fund the opening, which cost $65,000 in repair and makeover, while $5,000 went toward the production itself.

FLASHBACK 2009: How Utahns' retirement dollars profit from genocide, terrorism and environmental disasters.

How Filthy is Your 401K?
Money can pull otherwise kind, humanitarian Utahns to invest in companies whose profits come by way of polluting the planet, ignoring human rights, or indirectly supporting terrorism. Those who believe alcohol, tobacco or pornography are major social ills may be surprised to find they are profiting from investments in companies that make those products.

FLASHBACK 1996: Louis Coray's quest for Utah's original legal document.

The Case of the Missing Constitution
It's an account that's rarely come to surface, even in this, Utah's centennial year. Nor was it shouted from newspaper headlines in Coray's day until his death in 1949. In fact, even those most schooled in state and Western American history run a blank to the fact that Utah's Constitution was ever lost.

FLASHBACK 1992: Take the nation's pulse by going to the movies—then call an ambulance!

Hollywood Manifestos
Perhaps it is too much to ask that a big film move beyond simple-minded rhetoric, perhaps we oughtn't look to entertainment for "answers," but the point is our entertainment is essentially a funhouse mirror.

FLASHBACK 1986: Dan Pattison profiles the courageous recovery of a Utah high schooler.

Collin Davis: A Profile in Courage
The 18-year-old Davis beat all odds. He dropped all the major obstacles in his path faster than bad guys in a Sylvester Stallone movie.

FLASHBACK 1989: David Pace reviews the 28th Utah Shakespeare Festival.

Hits and Misses at Cedar City
The Utah Shakespearean Festival in Cedar City is one of the finest professional arts efforts in the state. Now in its 28th season, the festival has not only consistently produced high-quality shows, but expanded into a new, second theater. This year, as always, the festival is worth it even though there were a few things—primarily directorial—that were troubling.

FLASHBACK 2004: Forget terrorism. The future holds lots of lasting battles with lots of nasty, mutating viruses.

Flu Fighters
Based on history, we will definitely have a pandemic some day. That's as certain as anything can be. Whether avian influenza, or "bird flu" will be it, is not certain.

FLASHBACK 1988: Just try getting AIDS information without playing politics.

The Quiet Killer
Well, the enemy is real for both homosexuals and heterosexuals, despite the reluctance of the mayor to violate simpleminded community queasiness about looking the enemy right in the face and telling folks that it has to do with unsafe sex practices.

FLASHBACK 1990: Ron Yengich takes on Ronald Reagan's appearance at the witness stand.

Geriatric Funk
Sneaking up behind the Federal Courthouse was the 40th President of the United States, slithering through the back door to do his best MTV geriatric funk on video for the historical record of his testimony at the criminal trial of John Poindexter. Poindexter was once his trusted confidante during those somnambulate days at the White House. The back door entree was highly symbolic of Reagan’s dodge to avoid the witness box under the guise of a Nixonian theory of executive privilege (Rosemary Woods notwithstanding).

FLASHBACK 2006: Taking up residence inside a video game isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Get a Life
By no means am I suggesting there should be government regulation of virtual worlds like Second Life just because they aren’t for me. But it’s one thing to pay to play a game and another to create an economy based on pixels and fantasies of people who find virtual lives preferable to their real ones.

FLASHBACK 2006: Utah's unique meat-on-meat sandwiches please palates while arteries scream for mercy.

Greeks Bearing Burgers
Nearly every well-known, independent burger restaurant in the state is owned and operated by Greeks. It’s almost as if some sort of ethnic cabal is cornering the market through liberal production of the best burgers in the country.

FLASHBACK 1991: A new Utah abortion bill braces for battle.

Freedom Fighters
So, what is the net effect of all this expenditure and bad publicity? A Bangerter Bill that even the State's hired guns feel may not pass constitutional muster, or perhaps an amended bill with a "time-based" clause that will produce no net reductions in abortions. Therefore, what's the point?

FLASHBACK 1986: Phyllis Schafer describes her "perfect" man.

Bargaining from the Bar Stool: Eye on Perfect Men
It would take combinations of several men to build the perfect one. So I'll forget fantasy, give me reality.

FLASHBACK 1987: Go the extra mile and cook up a Valentine gift.

Eye on Carl's Kitchen
A heart shaped chocolate cake with strawberries or oranges will score points. These days anyone who can read can make a chocolate cake.

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