Election Day 2022 is fast approaching—on Nov. 8—and Utahns face many important decisions on the ballots mailed out to them.
Among the state's marquee federal races, the only real question is whether independent Senate candidate Evan McMullin can eke out a game-changing victory by finding enough Republicans turned off by incumbent Sen. Mike Lee's role in the plot to overthrow the government. Otherwise, all four incumbent GOP congressmen are virtually assured their re-election victories thanks to the state Legislature's outsize commitment to partisan gerrymandering.
But in ever-purple Salt Lake County, competition remains alive. Democrats hope to bounce back from losses in 2020 that left the county council with a 6-3 Republican supermajority. Third-party candidates look to establish a centrist foothold near the state's capital. At a time of rampant misinformation around election security, longtime County Clerk Sherrie Swensen is retiring, leaving an open-seat contest for the first time in three decades. And spikes in violent crime during the pandemic, nationally, have added to simmering political tensions, locally, around policing and criminal prosecution.
Ahead of the voting, City Weekly reached out to the 15 candidates running in county elections [note: Republican Sheldon Stewart is running unopposed in Council District 5] and asked them to introduce themselves, to name a favorite restaurant in the county, to describe the government improvements they intend to affect if elected, and to choose from a list of questions on housing, transportation, public health, water conservation, ranked-choice voting, ballot access, public safety and law enforcement accountability.
Responses were received via email and edited for length and clarity.
Salt Lake County Council at-Large Seat B
Suzanne Harrison vs. Richard Snelgrove
Name: Suzanne Harrison (Democrat)
City: Draper
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Royal India
Campaign website: votesuz.com
Who are you?
I'm a medical doctor, not a politician, and I've dedicated my life to helping people who are struggling. At Riverton Hospital, I make science-based, life-and-death decisions every day. As Utah's state representative for Sandy and Draper, I've led on air quality, blown the whistle on mismanagement of the pandemic and helped lead the campaign to repeal the food tax increase.
Why you?
For the last two years, Republicans have held a veto-proof supermajority on the county council and are becoming increasingly extreme. Instead of waging partisan culture wars, the council should be focused on actually helping people by reducing our cost of living, improving our air quality and conserving our water supply.
On transportation
Transportation is such a huge factor in our cost of living and air quality. We should invest more in public transit, especially those that make east-west travel more convenient. In the Legislature, I proposed expanding the free-fare pilot program to boost UTA ridership. We should also be more aggressive about supporting and protecting cyclists.
As a doctor, it was hard to watch state politicians override recommendations of doctors and experts. "Local control" in Utah is a myth. COVID won't be our last crisis, so we must elect officials who will listen to experts and make common-sense decisions that prioritize people over politics. I criticized no-bid pandemic contracts and will keep fighting decisions that fail to put people first.
Name: Richard Snelgrove (Republican)
City: Murray
Favorite SLCo restaurant: El Pariente taco stand
Campaign website: richardsnelgrove.com
Who are you?
I was raised in the Sugar House area and graduated from the University of Utah. I'm a volunteer baseball and soccer coach, an experienced business executive and the founder of several companies, including Snelgrove Travel Centers Inc. I have been serving on the county council since 2011.
Why you?
We must stop the gondola in Little Cottonwood Canyon. I am an outspoken critic and leader in the fight to stop this billion-dollar boondoggle and environmental disaster. It is up to the Legislature to appropriate funds to build it—that's where we stop it! I am advocating that some of the gondola money be used to fund "no fare UTA" during the winter months, and ultimately year-round, to meet our transportation needs and air pollution concerns.
On housing
I support increased housing density along with meeting proper zoning criteria. I have voted to support every effort to expand housing availability and affordability, most recently supporting a $26 million appropriation to increase our housing stock and specifically target the most vulnerable populations. We must do more, however, including the permitting and incentivising of accessory dwelling units.
On water
I am opposed to the proposed rock quarry in Parleys Canyon. Our canyon watershed must be protected. We have led by example in taking major steps to reduce water consumption at county facilities. There are specific steps we must take to save the Great Salt Lake in order to maintain our "lake effect" snow which is so vital to our water supply.
Salt Lake County Council District 1
Arlyn Bradshaw vs. Richard D.M. Barnes
Name: Arlyn Bradshaw (Democrat)
City: SLC-Marmalade
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Arlo
Campaign website: arlynbradshaw.com
Who are you?
I live in the Marmalade neighborhood with my partner, Neil, and our dogs, Brass and Roddy. While working as a Salt Lake County employee, I earned my MPA from the University of Utah. This experience led me to run for, and win, a seat on the county council, becoming the first openly gay county official.
Why you?
We are facing a housing crisis. On the county council, I fought to utilize federal funds to invest $27.5 million into affordable housing. This isn't enough; the county needs to continue to make significant investments into this critical need, and I have the experience to ensure that happens.
On housing
I am a proponent of increased density, particularly in areas that provide access to transit. Workers that make our community a thriving place to live, work, shop, eat and play should be able to afford to live in the areas where they work and serve. Smart density is vital to making that an affordable reality.
On transportation
The county, with its regional focus, is best situated to provide comprehensive transportation planning—not just roads and transit but integrated, protected urban trails and bike routes—to allow residents to move throughout the valley in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible way.
Name: Richard D.M. Barnes (Republican)
City: SLC-Rose Park
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Chubby's Mexican Restaurant
Campaign website: N/A
Who are you?
I'm a sixth-generation Utahn born in Salt Lake City and raised in Davis County. I graduated from the University of Utah, where I studied geology. I'm an Eagle Scout, a colonel with the Commemorative Air Force, and I've been married to my wife Brenda for 24 years, so far.
Why you?
"Better, Quicker and Cheaper" was my dad's (now age 97) Air Force B-17 during WWII. I worked at the old Salt Palace Center and have run my own tourism-based small business for more than 40 years. I'm active in the community, arts, politics and religious work.
On transportation
Transportation in Salt Lake County should be cheap, available to all, and seamless. We should encourage trains, buses, motorcycles, private cars and systems, commercial and hourly air options, aerial tramways, scooters, bikes and UTA on Demand's shared minivans in all of Salt Lake and many neighboring counties.
On water
Clean, pure water is life. Salt Lake County must protect and maintain our Wasatch Mountain watersheds, reservoirs and wilderness areas at all costs, including substantial water connection fees for new buildings. Older residents should not suffer for increasing density, and prices should be determined by free market forces.
Salt Lake County Council District 3
Aimee Winder Newton vs. Ashley Liewer vs. Kerry Soelberg
Name: Aimee Winder Newton (Republican)
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Blue Iguana
Campaign website: voteawn.com
Who are you?
I love serving on the county council and was the first woman elected as chair of the council. I'm a former planning commissioner, city communications director, executive for a biotech company and 2020 candidate for governor. I'm also a small business owner, a mom to four young adults and an advocate for mental health resources, safer neighborhoods, cleaner air, open space and affordable housing, and for working across the aisle.
Why you?
We all know someone dealing with mental-health issues. My own family has struggled. I'm proud of the work I've done to fight for more mental health resources. I've made decisions regarding our crisis line and advocated for our new mental health receiving center.
On transportation
I represent Salt Lake County on the Wasatch Front Regional Council, the transportation planning organization for our county. Long-range planning is key—not just for cars, but for bikes, walkability and transit.
I was one of the two Republicans who crossed over to vote with our Democratic colleagues last January during our omicron surge. When House leadership couldn't convince me to change my vote, I watched as the Legislature overturned our mask mandate. At the county council, I will continue to do what I think is right, regardless of political consequences.
Name: Ashley Liewer (Democrat)
City: Murray
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Tea Rose Diner
Campaign website: ashleyliewer.com
Who are you?
I am a paramedic and a healthcare consultant with a passion for serving underrepresented communities. My background provides me with insight to have difficult conversations and develop innovative solutions. I look forward to addressing issues such as housing and food insecurity, air quality and access to substance-use disorder and mental health treatment.
Why you?
We need to address challenges regarding mental health and substance use. We need a leader who understands the health care system, can build partnerships to expand access to care, has insight on case management and can foresee the financial impacts of long term care.
On transportation
We need more partnerships to expand access and make transit more accessible to the entire county. I believe that frequent, reliable and affordable public transportation is a necessity. Reliable transportation provides better access to essential services, employment opportunities and more. However, these transportation options must be environmentally friendly.
On housing
I believe that every potential solution for the housing crisis needs to be considered with facts and data to determine if it supports the surrounding community. I will work to ensure that housing in Salt Lake County is truly affordable by finding creative solutions for transitional housing, repurposing county-owned properties and working with developers to incentivize more affordable units.
Name: Kerry Soelberg (United Utah)
City: West Jordan
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Spaghetti Factory
Campaign website: kerry-soelberg.com
Who are you?
I am a proud Utahn, husband and father of five children and 16 grandchildren. I earned a master's of public administration at BYU, am a 38-year employee of the state of Utah—as an administrative services manager—now retired. I managed and balanced multimillion dollar budgets. I hike, bike, mountain bike, ski and spoil grandkids.
Why you?
My differentiating characteristic is that I am not tethered to either the Republican or Democratic parties, which frees me from the need to balance my loyalty between party and the people. I consider our two-party system broken, with both parties dedicated to contention and division and controlled largely by their unhealthy fringes. I am one of the 60-70% of moderate Republicans, Democrats and Independents whose voice is often drowned out by the extremes. If you love gerrymandering, divisive rhetoric and party politics, I suggest you vote for one of my opponents.
On the issues
I care keenly about transportation, housing density, water and drought, police and public safety, poverty and homelessness, public health and the pandemic, etc., and discuss them on my website listed above. We must foster the ecosystem of citizens, government, private business, church and volunteer organizations.
Salt Lake County Auditor
David Muir vs. Chris Harding
Name: David Muir (United Utah)
City: Cottonwood Heights
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Market Street Grill
Campaign website: davidmuir4auditor.com
Who are you?
Raised in east Millcreek, I met my wife, Cheri, at the University of Utah and raised our family in Cottonwood Heights. I have 26 years of experience in county and city government finances and nine years in private sector accounting and audit management. I'm always willing to volunteer and lead out in local efforts to improve our community.
Why you?
Being an auditor is certainly not glamorous. No one knows what inefficiencies or misappropriations exist until we go looking. My deep knowledge of government finances will help me know where to look. With my love of data, I will find problems that need to be resolved.
On auditing
Having an independent—meaning neither left- or right-leaning—auditor has distinct advantages. Auditing requires a willingness to follow the facts, sometimes in the face of opposing pressure from other elected officials. I will collaborate with other county officials to find opportunities for greater efficiencies.
Name: Chris Harding (Republican)
City: South Jordan
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Ginza Japanese Shabu Shabu
Campaign website: chris4auditor.com
Who are you?
I am "Candice's husband" and father of five remarkable kids. I am an expert auditor with a bachelor's in accounting from the U of U and an MBA from Weber State. I am a CPA, CIA and CFE. I have dedicated my professional life to the study and practice of auditing.
Why you?
Audits, performed in compliance with generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS) must be performed to give residents, taxpayers, management and those charged with governance an assurance of transparency and a general sense of how taxpayer funds are being spent. I am the only CPA candidate with experience performing GAGAS-compliant audits.
On auditing
I'll seek to obtain a first-ever peer review, become GAGAS compliant, establish an audit committee and increase professionally licensed staff. I bring over 16 years of experience auditing in a GAGAS-compliant manner. I will advocate for auditor independence by working to pass legislation to change state statute.
Salt Lake County Clerk
Goud Maragani vs. Lannie Chapman
Name: Goud Maragani (Republican)
City: Riverton
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Redemption Bar & Grill
Campaign website: goud4clerk.com
Who are you?
I am a compliance attorney practicing law for almost 20 years and a veteran. I study complicated systems, find potential failure points, design transparent programs to prevent those failures from happening and ensure compliance with the law.
Why you?
We need to ensure our elections are run according to state law. I believe the clerk's office violated state law during the June primary by including my opponent's name on the instruction sheet included with every mailed ballot. I will make sure we run elections according to state law and ensure free and fair elections in Salt Lake County.
On voting
Municipalities—not the county clerk—decide whether to implement ranked-choice voting. I will implement elections as requested and will make sure those elections are as transparent and accurate as possible. Because we have a vote-by-mail system, casting a ballot is quite easy for most people. One focus of the clerk's office should be to make sure its services are accessible for those with disabilities. We need to make sure that accessible voting equipment is tested every day and that malfunctioning equipment is replaced quickly.
Name: Lannie Chapman (Democrat)
City: SLC-East Liberty Park
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Chunga's
Campaign website: lannieforclerk.com
Who are you?
I have served as the chief deputy under outgoing Salt Lake County Clerk Sherrie Swensen for the last three years, after previously serving as a Salt Lake County deputy district attorney. I am committed to ensuring that every voter in Salt Lake County knows how their public officials can support and protect their fundamental rights.
Why you?
I will increase voter education and outreach, not just by presenting what elections are happening, but also by educating on which candidates are running. I'll work with the Lieutenant Governor's Office to ensure that voters understand who the candidates are depending on the race.
On voting
I fully support municipalities holding elections using either traditional voting or the pilot project of ranked-choice voting. As the county elections office, we will continue to support municipalities and the choice of safe voting. Ensuring that we protect vote-by-mail and continuing to have multiple ways that people can vote is crucial to high voter turnout.
Salt Lake County District Attorney
Sim Gill vs. Danielle Ahn
Name: Sim Gill (Democrat)
City: SLC-Foothill
Favorite SLCo restaurant: La Frontera
Campaign website: votesim.com
Who are you?
My name is Sim Gill, I was born in India and moved to Utah when I was 10. I believe in fairness, justice, equality and truth. I have been a prosecutor for 27 years. Criminal justice reform is possible without compromising public safety.
Why you?
I will expand our environmental crimes unit. This year, the District Attorney's Office prosecuted the largest environmental crimes case in county history, with a $2 million fine against a corporate polluter. I will expand our trauma-informed support for Camp Hope, helping children who have endured violence, and increase therapeutic diversion programs.
On law enforcement
My job is to work with law enforcement, not for law enforcement. I work for the residents of Salt Lake County. I plan to hold bad actors accountable by upholding the rule of law. I will do the right thing, even when it isn't popular, as we continue to change laws and policies to ensure accountability.
Name: Danielle Ahn (Republican)
City: Midvale
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Pho 33
Campaign website: da4da.com
Who are you?
I was born and raised in Utah and want to bring law and order back to the justice system. I graduated from the University of Utah's S.J. Quinney College of Law with a certificate in international and business law, and I have experience as both a litigator and transactional attorney. I have overcome many challenges that have given me a unique perspective on homelessness, mental health and crime.
Why you?
We must end plea deals for repeat violent offenders if we want to address the 46% increase in homicides that our county has experienced in the past four years. The impact of crime on the community is immeasurable, and we can't afford not to dedicate resources to holding criminals accountable.
On public safety
Violent crime is skyrocketing because of my opponent's soft-on-crime policies and lack of leadership. It's time we get tough Ahn crime! I'm committed to ending plea deals for repeat violent offenders, reforging relationships with law enforcement and prioritizing victims' rights and voices.
Salt Lake County Sheriff
Nick Roberts vs. Rosie Rivera
Name: Nick Roberts (Republican)
City: Sandy
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Market Street Grill
Campaign website: votesheriffnick.com
Who are you?
I am Nick Roberts, a 45-year public servant to Salt Lake County. I started as a fireman EMT for Salt Lake City Fire in the '70s, then served with Riverton Police Department, Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office and the Unified Police Department. I am a graduate of the FBI National Academy, was Range Master and am now a sergeant in Millcreek and Holladay.
Why you?
In the past five and a half years, Unified Police Department has lost three cities, causing the taxpayers to pay more for policing. Crime has increased. Cooperation with police departments is crucial for reducing crime. The county jail needs to be changed and criminals need to be held accountable. Citizens and officers should be supported.
On public safety
The primary public safety issue is the county jail. Currently, offenders are released and back on the streets within hours. This allows them to reoffend, and those who need to be held are not. The county jail cannot have a revolving door. The voices of violent crime victims need to be heard.
Name: Rosie Rivera (Democrat)
City: Riverton
Favorite SLCo restaurant: Salsa Leedos
Campaign website: rosieforsheriff.com
Who are you?
I have 29 years in law enforcement and 24 years in leadership positions. I oversee the state's largest jail and I am the CEO over the Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake. I am the first and only female sheriff in the state. I am a mother of three adults and grandmother of six grandchildren.
Why you?
We are seeing individuals booked into jail who need alternative resources. It is expensive to have these individuals cycle over and over again into the system. Our jail is reaching capacity, and we need to ensure there are available beds for violent offenders. Our Medication Assisted Treatment program and our Jail Reentry Resource Program are examples of the progress we are making. We continue to arrest and hold accountable violent offenders and will do so in the future.
On public safety
Law enforcement is understaffed. I am working with chiefs and sheriffs across the nation to address this problem. Increasing wages and benefits and thinking outside the box will help with hiring and retaining our officers. We need the manpower to ensure our communities are safe.