Cultural ACTIVITIES | Citizen Revolt | Salt Lake City Weekly


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Westminster College's Great Salt Lake Institute will host "Spirit of the Feather," a presentation on the significance of eagle feathers by Sia: The Comanche Nation Ethno-ornithological Initiative. Sia founder and director William Voelker, along with Sia assistant director Troy Sia, will present the Comanche's connection with eagles and nature. Three eagles will be on hand to meet the audience. Westminster College, Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business Auditorium, 1840 S. 1300 East, Salt Lake City, Jan. 21, 7 p.m., free

Talib Kweli will speak at the University of Utah in honor of its MLK16 celebration. The Brooklyn-based rapper and activist has participated in many protests, including the Ferguson protests in 2014, and uses provocative lyrics as a form of activism. He'll perform a 10-minute spoken word along with an one-hour keynote address. University of Utah Union Ballroom, 200 Central Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, Jan. 21, noon, free, open to the public.

Don't just dream about being published; get serious. The Rumi Poetry Club is putting out a call for poems—up to three—to be published in its 10th anniversary book, Sand and Sky: 101 Poems from Utah. Three Utah poets will be invited to judge the poems and edit the volume. Poems of 26 lines or less are preferred, but some as long as 40 lines will be accepted. Send a short biography and indicate that the poems have not been published elsewhere and that you own the copyrights. Through June, no entry fee, send one word document to:

You have to start thinking about spring when it's snowing, and Wasatch Community Gardens is trying to plan for its newest garden now. Salt Lake City and WCG will be hosting the New Community Garden Open House to discuss the development of the Liberty Wells Community Garden on 1700 S. 700 East and solicit input from surrounding neighborhood businesses and residences. If you would like to participate in the garden, please consider attending the open house. Tracy Aviary Education Room, 589 E. 1300 South, Salt Lake City, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 6-7 p.m.,

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About The Author

Katharine Biele

Katharine Biele

A City Weekly contributor since 1992, Katharine Biele is the informed voice behind our Hits & Misses column. When not writing, you can catch her working to empower voters and defend democracy alongside the League of Women Voters.

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