Don’t Mistake Silence for Inaction | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Don’t Mistake Silence for Inaction 

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Some are crediting the Mormon church’s current official public silence and inaction on same-sex marriage for the recent successful enactment of same-sex marriage in some U.S. states. That, of course, completely ignores the fact that Mormons, at the direction of the Mormon church, are the primary and deliberately hidden driving force, including massive funding and organization, behind the very loud, public and aggressive anti-LGBT National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

NOM is not just opposed to same-sex marriage, but actively slanders and scapegoats LGBT people all the time; it opposes not just equal rights for LGBT people, including same-sex marriage, but all rights—including the right to life. Don’t mistake the Mormon church’s official public silence and inaction for actually being silent and inactive.

Salt Lake City

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