Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from December 19 and Beyond

City Weekly Readers Dec 26, 2024 4:00 AM

Utah Values
I read that Utah Gov. Spencer Cox wants to support President-elect Donald Trump in deporting 25 million undocumented migrants by calling out the State National Guard. Perhaps he'll ride the lead horse as they barge into homes and places of work.

Will he tear people away from their family members? Will these stormtroopers hit D.I. stores and kitchens in restaurants? Will construction workers be hauled off job sites? Sad that our Trumpian governor has no sexual assaults in his record. If he did, he would likely be considered for a cabinet position.

I realize that one does not have to be very bright to obtain high government jobs in Utah. If one is a temple-worthy, white, GOP male, he is usually a shoo-in. But whatever happened to Mormon family and Christian values when most members support Trump? They have supported him now for three elections.

So, being a convicted felon and rapist, along with trying to overthrow an election, is all okay with Mormons, including the governor? That water streaming off of Mormon temples is from Moroni's tears.

On Dec. 16, NBC News showed a clip of President-elect Donald Trump saying about vaccines: "I don't like mandates."
So, Mr. Trump, you don't like the mandate for children to attend school? Or the mandate for citizens to pay taxes? You don't like the mandate at your golf courses and hotels for folks to get up and go to work if they want a paycheck?

Our armed forces, excluding the Navy, require high school graduation for entry. Without mandatory education, we would have no Army or Air Force, Mr. Commander-in-Chief.

Did you hear about the pandemic in 1346-1353, when one-third of the people of Europe perished in the Bubonic Plague? In 1350, you didn't hear any politicians whining, "I hate mandates."
Woods Cross

"City Council approves ... Power District development."
Dec. 12 online News
People are rightfully gonna hate on this but the river boardwalk vibe is pretty cool.
Via Instagram

Tax-funded corporate welfare.
Via Instagram

All these homeless neighbors and we're getting this? Cool.
Via Instagram

What a beautiful vision for the future.
Via Instagram

Meanwhile these pot holes be chillin.
Via Instagram

What's with all the negative comments? This is awesome. Salt Lake needs some more vibrant vibes going on downtown.
Via Instagram

How wonderful for rich people.
Via Facebook

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