Feedback from January 16 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from January 16 and Beyond 

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Trump's Enablers
January 20, 2025 has emerged as another sad day for Americans who think critically, independently and analytically about politics and another joyous day for those who play "Follow the Leader." It's also a sad day for those who understand how the rule of law should work and a joyous day for those who have no clue about that and embrace lawlessness.

It's a sad day for the compassionate among us and a joyous day for those who are self-absorbed narcissists; a sad day for those who care and share and a joyous one for greedy hoarders. And on and on it goes

Yes, Donald Trump has been reinstalled as our president by his enablers, made up of many federal, state and local politicians, government administrators, billionaires and millionaires, judges and justices, lawyers, business people, corporate leaders, Trumpista voters, religious leaders and any other members of our society who either follow Trump because they can't think for themselves or who think they're going to get something out of Trump.

The amount of wealth that Trump's enablers bring to the table is almost beyond comprehension. Take, for example, the amount of money donated to Trump's inauguration parties last Monday—$250 million—which was a total waste of the people's money.

These wealthy elites and others shower money and resources on Trump, knowing that he will use it to pursue his dreams of modifying all of our political, legal, economic, social, military, governmental, monetary (through promotion of crypto over the dollar), health care, religious, democratic, immigration and other processes and systems, all to benefit himself in the process and become a dictatorial leader. And his benefactors seem to be okay with that.

We, the normal people, we who care about the less fortunate, we who want more justice, equality and egalitarianism in society, are the big losers here for the next four years, at least.

We who want the wealthy and the well-connected in our society to receive the same justice we do in our courts, rather than "get out of jail free" cards, won't see any of that.

And finally, it won't be possible to reestablish the truth of things against the Trump administration's ongoing lies for a while.

Oh well, we have no choice here.

The only thing to do is to push back and fight against the Republican political monster that is taking over our country at the moment.
West Valley

"Film Stripped" Jan. 16 Online
Sundance would not be the last one to move. Most people vote by their action (move out), not by useless voice.
Via Instagram

How about [Gov.] Cox leaves? I'm sure Sundance is tired of him turning more people away from Utah.
Via Instagram

Poor policies = poor experience = loss of tourism revenue. Own that legacy, Cox.
Via Instagram

Hollywood's liberals have finally had enough of Utah righteousness snobs.
Via Facebook

I'm pretty sure life would go on at Sundance. Utah sure is full of itself.
Via Facebook

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