Feedback from January 5 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from January 5 and Beyond 

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A House of Shame
Do Republicans have absolutely no shame—including the Utah representatives who show no backbone, common sense or decency as they stupidly continue to support House Speaker Kevin McCarthy? Are their memories so short they can't recall that McCarthy was among the Republicans supporting Trump in his efforts to overthrow the election?

When these reps come back home to face their constituents, they should have to look them in the face and explain why electing McCarthy speaker was more important than the many legitimate concerns in their districts.

Sorry, I temporarily forgot that every one of Utah's reps—and its senator who supported Trump in overthrowing the government—are Latter-day Saint males. They neither have to be patriots or even smart to get re-elected. They just have to be temple-worthy men. It's every much a part of the Utah fabric as fry sauce.

"Utah's 10 Best New Year's Resolutions," Jan. 5 Opinion
For Utah Gov. Spencer Cox: Pretend to care about the people of your state as much as you care about a chicken's happiness. Stop the mandates already!
Via Instagram

For Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's Jen Shah: Pretend you're not going to a glorified spa for 6.5 years.
Via Instagram

You forgot, "Get your Utah medical cannabis card."
Via Instagram

Can we just buy them all gym memberships instead? The futility is the same.
Via Instagram

"An Artist's Artist," Jan. 5 Cover Story
Calvin Jolley's description of the Stratford Hotel as, "downtown's last bona fide indigent flophouse" is inaccurate. The Stratford has been a low-income rental unit for quite some time now.
Salt Lake City

"UDOT: We Need Traffic Solutions," Dec. 29 Soap Box
To my neighbor in Murray who seeks traffic solutions from UDOT, they are not the solution. The problem is much larger than short greens on left arrows and drivers running red lights.

A solution would require putting smooth traffic flow as the top priority for traffic control. It would require, for starters, a consistency in lane divisions, lane markings, road signage and the oft-neglected curb cuts. It would also require a retraining of drivers, who seem concerned only with what is directly in front of them (whether it's the road or their phones) and not with anything beside or behind them. I've driven in nearly every state in the union and, yes, Utah drivers are, hands down, the worst.

A solution would also require cooperation among competing government agencies. Economic development, population density and environmental preservation are beyond the authority of any one entity, but all negatively impact traffic flow.

This solution is not going to happen, so I suggest you turn east on 3900 South and head home via 700 East. Happy motoring.

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