Feedback from June 27 and Beyond | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Feedback from June 27 and Beyond 

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Eating Mormon Crickets
I used to use [Mormon Crickets] for fish bait and they worked so well, I stocked up on live crickets when possible. They need to be separated or they will eat each other. They only keep for a short time in a refrigerator, but they last for a long time if they are blanched in boiling water with garlic powder and then frozen.

I never ate one, but they really do smell good when being blanched in water and seasoned with garlic powder. If I had read your article about the Indians eating them ("Urban Living" June 15, 2023) I would have tried one. In fact, I bet that if someone—a bar in Salt Lake City?— with access to live crickets had a contest, people would eat them. And as far as I can see, there is no world record for eating them.
Mohave Valley, Arizona

"Walking the Beat," June 27 Cover Story
Our downtown ambassadors are amazing!
Via Instagram

Great Story. We really appreciate the coverage!
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Great story! Thanks City Weekly.
Via Instagram

"On To November," June 27 Online News
Editor's note: This article—on Gov. Spencer Cox winning the Republican nomination and other results from last week's primary election—was first published online at and is reprinted in this issue on page 19.

I sure wish [Cox] was on the Presidential ballot.
Via Instagram

[Cox] is much better than [Phil] Lyman, for sure. I'm not a fan, but these are our options and he's a better candidate. More moderate, less dogmatic.
Via Instagram

Oh goody. The cowardly lion who serves the corporations and the corporate church beat out the convicted felon. Fun fact: there is a decent, hard-working Democrat running. Vote Brian King.
Via Instagram

Sheep! Keep acting like this guy is going to change things! He's [Morgan Republican Rep. Kera] Birkeland's boyfriend! He doesn't GAF about the majority of Utahns!
Via Instagram

Lyman would have ended the income tax and kept a lot of nature out of the hands of developers. Thanks Utah, you kept the guy sucking on the teats of developers.
Via Instagram

Worst news for the state of Utah.
Via Instagram

Clarification: The cover photo and two interior photos for last week's feature, "Walking the Beat," were provided courtesy of the Downtown Alliance, as City Weekly noted in its coverage. City Weekly would like to further credit the photographer, Kelli Freshman, who produced the images for the Downtown Alliance.

"Private Eye is off this week. Send feedback to"

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