High Anxiety | Hits & Misses | Salt Lake City Weekly

High Anxiety 

A new study suggests link between altitude and high teen suicide rates, coal is still king in Utah, for now, and an unhappy former mayor.

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High Anxiety
The good news is that you can't just blame the LDS Church's culture for causing kids' angst—at least not for all their anxiety. The U.S. Census Bureau, according to a Deseret News report, estimates at least one-fourth of teens suffer from an anxiety disorder. Why? Well, it's for a lot of reasons including societal pressure, school and even politics. A new University of Utah study just adds confusion to Utah's unusually high teen suicide rate. It could be the altitude. Low atmospheric pressure diminishes the brain's oxygen levels, and affects the body's levels of mood regulator serotonin. In fact, suicides in high altitudes are three times higher than at sea level. Moving is not realistic, so researchers are looking at more effective treatments for teens living in mountainous regions. Tolerance and understanding might also play a part.


Renewable Savings
Coal has become the clarion call of the Republican resurgence, but the Sierra Club is having none of it. In a commissioned study, the environmental organization concluded that PacifiCorp could save ratepayers "hundreds of millions of dollars" by quickly replacing coal-fired units with renewable-energy sources, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. The study notes that prices are low now for renewables. Utah could show some backbone, like Oregon, which passed an aggressive clean energy bill requiring two utilities to phase out coal by 2030. It's not as if Utah isn't doing anything. Aware of the growing number of electric car owners, it's partnering with Rocky Mountain Power to create an electric-vehicle corridor along I-15, the Deseret News reported. It's all about the future, RMP says. But for now, coal still is king.


Rocky Times
Rocky Anderson isn't happy—at least not with City Weekly. Never mind that we called out The Salt Lake Tribune for its garish coverage of an apparent management style dispute with some female staffers in Anderson's law office. The Trib saw fit to run a front-page story and a double-truck inside to give friends and foes a platform to disparage or glorify the bombastically articulate and ever passionate former mayor. Inside the local section, the Trib placed a shorter story about a Mormon Primary teacher's sexual abuse. There was no editorial equality. But yes, we said Anderson could be a son of a bitch. You know, he was Salt Lake's SOB for years while he helped the city carve out a moral high ground and stop pollution coming into the city. He told City Weekly "I am sorry you have fallen for the false narrative about my treatment of employees," and that we "jumped on the bandwagon with The Tribune." In fact, we did just the opposite.

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About The Author

Katharine Biele

Katharine Biele

A City Weekly contributor since 1992, Katharine Biele is the informed voice behind our Hits & Misses column. When not writing, you can catch her working to empower voters and defend democracy alongside the League of Women Voters.

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