Late Nights | Hits & Misses | Salt Lake City Weekly

Late Nights 

Also: Locked In, Voter's Choice

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Late Nights
Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Remember the saying, "Build it, and they will come"? That's the way it is with nightlife. Salt Lake City Council member Lisa Adams isn't sure there's a demand for keeping the main library open 24-7, but how can you know until you try? And once one venue opens, often others follow suit. Just imagine a real nightlife in downtown Salt Lake. Then there are the people who worry about a homeless takeover—and increased crime—if the library stays open. That, however, is a matter of enforcement. Providing a safe place for the homeless to sit and read may not be such a terrible idea, either. And speaking of gathering places, The East Liberty Tap House, the first neighborhood bar, is about to open in the 9th & 9th area. Maybe it's not such a bad idea to provide places for people to go rather than troll the streets.

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Locked In
The Utah Legislature, in its infinite wisdom, has set the state on a course to enrich developers and line the pockets of some well-to-do landowners. All this in the name of building a better prison. Never did the Legislature seriously consider rebuilding on site, and that is the tragedy. Here's the latest headline: "Cities balk at list of six potential prison sites," and that includes West Jordan and Salt Lake City. OK, we knew this was coming because of the NIMBY factor, but maybe that's something to consider. Besides rebuilding, Utah should be looking at prison reform—ways to reduce the prison population and cut recidivism. Instead, The Salt Lake Tribune has discovered, the potential sites belong to the rich and politically connected. Go figure.

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Voter's Choice
We thought we misheard Gov. Gary Herbert when he said, yeah, it's a great idea to sue me. Among the many litigable issues, this one is about state Republicans saying "you're not the boss of me." Senate Bill 54 is the compromise from the last legislative session that allows potential candidates an alternate route to the ballot. The GOP honchos don't like it because they adore the neighborhood caucus system that allows a few political activists to run the show. To be fair, there are some Democrats who want to preserve the mass-meeting system, too. But in Utah, it probably doesn't matter how you choose candidates. Most voters just follow the herd and seem perfectly happy to do what they're told.

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About The Author

Katharine Biele

Katharine Biele

A City Weekly contributor since 1992, Katharine Biele is the informed voice behind our Hits & Misses column. When not writing, you can catch her working to empower voters and defend democracy alongside the League of Women Voters.

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