Make History, Save History | Citizen Revolt | Salt Lake City Weekly

Make History, Save History 

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This week, learn how to help the Move to Amend Salt Lake group make history and build a grass-roots movement to amend the United States Constitution to kill the legal sham of corporate personhood. You can also look ahead to a unique opportunity to help preserve the historic Ute Mountain Lookout Tower in Ashley National Forest. The Utah Public Service Commission will also offer presentations on how to clean Utah’s historically awful air.

Move to Amend Salt Lake
Tuesday, Aug. 6
In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that corporations are people and can spend as much as they want to buy elections with impunity. The aftershocks of this decision are still affecting average citizens in the country and Utah in numerous ways. This week, join Move to Amend Salt Lake in a workshop and panel that will connect the dots between law and big business and discuss how to pull back the corporate chokehold on our turning-purple democracy.
First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City, 569 S. 1300 East, Aug. 6, 6-9 p.m.,

Enhanced Use of Alternative Vehicles
Wednesday, Aug. 7
The 2013 Legislature’s Senate Bill 275 originally proposed a utility-rate increase to fund natural-gas-fueled state vehicles. The bill was changed in the waning days of the Legislature among criticism that it was just a giveaway to the Utah Transit Authority. The bill now requires the Public Service Commission to investigate ways to promote alternative-fuel vehicles as a means of cleaning up the air, which they’ll be discussing at this meeting.
Utah Capitol, 350 N. State, Senate Building 210, 801-530-6714, Aug. 7, 9 a.m.-noon,

Ute Mountain Lookout Tower
Various dates, through September
HistoriCorp, which rallies volunteers to help preserve historic buildings across the country, needs volunteers to come camp in the Uintas and help rehab Ute Mountain Lookout Tower, Utah’s first and last-standing fire lookout tower. Volunteer supplies and meals will be provided; volunteers just need to provide their own transportation to the site (about 50 miles north of Vernal) and camping supplies.
Registration and more information: 303-893-4260, extension

Twitter: @EricSPeterson

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