Matchmaking by Smell | Citizen Revolt | Salt Lake City Weekly

Matchmaking by Smell 

Western Art Show, Animal Jam and Dance Show & Swim

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Matchmaking by Smell
Here's a new, dirty twist to the old wet T-shirt contest. The Pheromone Party is a matchmaking event based on scent. You and others will spend three nights in the same white, clean, cotton shirt to "capture" your "odor print." Bring the T-shirt in a zipped plastic bag to the party, where it will be labeled pink for women, blue for men. Guests will then smell the shirts and be matched with the person whose smell they find most attractive. Moose Lounge, 180 W. 400 South, Saturday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m.-Sunday, Aug. 14, 1 a.m., $10,

Western Art Show
Join Kevin Kehoe in his journey to capture the tranquil beauty of the Western landscape. Kehoe's Western Therapy exhibit takes you through his quest to become a painter. He calls himself a "New American painter," being a native New Englander who now lives in Heber Valley. Kehoe feels the West is "that spiritual, reverent place that feeds the soul and inspires the heart like no other." Southern Utah Museum of Art, 13 S. 300 West, Cedar City, 435-586-5432, through Oct. 1, Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m., free,

Dance Show & Swim
When you see a dance, do you wonder about the choreography? You should. It's a huge part of the performance. LoveDANCEmore is an on-site mobile dance series which features a pool party where you can see new dances by Salt Lake and Orem-based choreographers in locations varying from a diving platform to a lap pool. Watch the show and then stay after to swim. Scera Park Pool, 701 S. State, Orem, 801-724-3751, Monday, Aug. 15, 7:30-9 p.m., free with registration,

Animal Jam
Taking their animal-centric experience from online to real life for this year's event, Animal Jam hosts live animal encounters to help bridge the gap between kids and science education. It's all part of the eighth annual Craft Lake City DIY Festival, which features 250 artisans, craft foodies and DIY engineers. Animal Jam is the world's largest social network for kids with a focus on life sciences. Children can meet real animals, make a stop-motion video and meet the creators. Gallivan Plaza, Google Fiber STEM Building, 239 S. Main, 801-906-8521, Friday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m.-Saturday, Aug. 13, 4 p.m., three-day pass $10, $5 daily, kids under 12 free,

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About The Author

Katharine Biele

Katharine Biele

A City Weekly contributor since 1992, Katharine Biele is the informed voice behind our Hits & Misses column. When not writing, you can catch her working to empower voters and defend democracy alongside the League of Women Voters.

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