Over the past decade, dining options for nontraditional eaters have grown exponentially in Salt Lake City. Being vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free no longer means missing out on the good stuff, as you can find anything from gluten-free pizza to vegan cheesecake within the borders of our little city.
Salt Lake City has been lacking, however, in exclusively raw establishments. Other than Omar’s Rawtopia in Sugar House—delicious, but pretty pricey—there just aren’t many places where a raw foodie can walk in and order whatever looks tasty.
Organic Manic, a new vegan salad bar located next to Cali’s Natural Foods, offers a cornucopia of living foods for reasonable prices. The salad bar costs $6.99 for a half-pound on weekdays, but on Saturdays, it’s all you can eat for $13.99.
Really, “salad bar” doesn’t do it justice. Organic Manic does have a variety of salad fixings and dressings, but I was far more interested in the no-fish sushi, the pastaless lasagna and the chocolate-covered macaroon cookies. The sushi was a little soggy, but the cookies were to die for. They also feature a wide selection of hot soups from Cali’s, so you can bring your friend who insists it’s too cold in the winter to eat raw foods.
More than just a restaurant, Organic Manic is a great resource for those looking to explore raw foodism, or who just want to eat more healthfully. Books on nutrition and raw-food recipes are propped on most of the tables. They offer herbal and nutritional consultations and private lessons in raw-food preparation and herbal healing. Some items are also available in bulk—there’s a freezer stocked full of “micro green” juices that can be added to smoothies for a burst of nutrition.
For gluten-intolerant folks, veg-heads and omnivores alike, Organic Manic is a fresh and fun dining experience.
389 W. 1700 South