Our World Is for Profit | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Our World Is for Profit 

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Thanks to Ted Scheffler for coming in to dine with us and for his review [“When the Saints Go Munching,” Feb. 19, City Weekly].

It is life-giving to have input we can use to improve the dining experience here at Temple Square Hospitality. We take our food very seriously and work very hard to gain our customer base. There was some misinformation in the article I would like to clear up, however.

Temple Square Hospitality is a for-profit company and an equal-opportunity employer, and we have many employees working for us who are not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We are in no way subsidized by the LDS Church and, of necessity, must be a responsible tenant and viable business, as we report to the Deseret Management Corporation, our parent company.

Nei l Wilkinson
Temple Square Hospitality marketing director Salt Lake City

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