Remember to practice self care during this high-anxiety election cycle. | News | Salt Lake City Weekly

Remember to practice self care during this high-anxiety election cycle. 

Small Lake City

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Is the election cycle already stressing you out? It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of political news, polarized debates and social media discussions. I feel like folks sometimes forget there is a human on the other side of that screen.

Alright, listen up—it's time to lay down some ground rules. Establishing boundaries? That ain't up for debate. You've gotta put a cap on the amount of political junk food you're consuming daily. Sure, staying informed is like basic survival in today's world, but overdosing on news updates? Can we say Anxietyville?

Consider locking away your phone (or shutting off the telly) and scheduling specific times to catch up on the latest drama. And for the love of beauty sleep, steer clear of political debates before hitting the hay.

Mindfulness isn't just a buzzword, it's a lifeline. Embrace your inner peace warrior with some deep breathing, meditation or yoga. Take a breather whenever you need it.

Whether it's a stroll through the park, vibing to your favorite tunes or diving headfirst into your guilty pleasure hobby, make time to recharge those batteries. You will often find me in silence creating art at my studio—art is therapeutic.

Your health? Non-negotiable. You gotta treat your body like the VIP it is. Get those endorphins pumping with some regular sweat sessions, feed yourself something green once in a while and remember quality sleep is essential.

Oh, and don't forget to hydrate. Seriously, water is your best friend.

What's lighting up your life? Find your joy, whether it's dancing like a maniac in your living room or belting out your favorite tunes in the shower. When it comes to saving my sanity after a hellish week, local music is my jam. In Salt Lake City, we're swimming in a sea of killer talent.

Are you protecting your energy? Limit your exposure to individuals or social media accounts that consistently contribute to negativity and divisiveness.

Finding ways to stay engaged in causes that light your fire can be your ultimate power move during this election frenzy. Whether you're rolling up your sleeves for a local campaign, hitting the streets for some protesting, or just passionately advocating for what matters most to you, you're not just making noise, you're making waves in your community.

And hey, don't forget to sprinkle a little self-love on top of all that activism. It's totally normal to feel like you're drowning in the chaos of politics, but trust me, beating yourself up over every little misstep won't win you any medals. Practice some self-compassion, cut yourself some slack and remember, it's okay to hit pause and prioritize your own well-being. Trust me, take a breather before you clap back.

Buckle up, because this political rollercoaster ain't for the fainthearted. Take a deep breath because we're all in this hot mess together.

Let's make a pact to come out the other side stronger than ever, shall we?

And hey, speaking from the trenches of the last four years of pandemic chaos, one thing's crystal clear: Community is the cure.

Together, we're unstoppable.

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About The Author

Cat Palmer

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