Sacred Ground's Tired Arguments | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Sacred Ground's Tired Arguments 

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It seems new and original thoughts are off the table with the Sacred Ground crowd [“Ground Zero,” Feb. 12, City Weekly]. Gayle Ruzicka, LaVar Christensen and the folks at the Sutherland Institute are once again wielding their anti-marriage argument in a battle where it has no place.

The Common Ground Initiative’s sponsored bills seek fairness and equality for Utah’s gay and lesbian citizens in employ ment, housing and familial support. More than 80 percent of Utahns agree gay and lesbian men and women deserve equal protection in these areas. The Sacred Ground propaganda drags the tired arguments against gay marriage into the debate to confuse and scare citizens with a nonexistent threat.

The Common Ground Initiative has nothing to do with gay marriage and everything to do with basic rights that most Utahns are surprised to find aren’t already protected in our state. It’s time for Ruzicka, Christensen and the rest of their fear-mongering crowd to sell their message of hate elsewhere because most Utahns aren’t willing to buy it.

Hunter Wolfe
Salt Lake City

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