Soap Box: Sept. 22-28 | Letters | Salt Lake City Weekly

Soap Box: Sept. 22-28 

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The Ocho, Sept. 22, "8 Ways the candidates might get out of the Sept. 26 presidential debate"
And Salt Lake Meekly is covering the governors [sic] race ...
Michael James Stone
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@Bill_Frost left @DavidBowieReal off of Celebrity Afterlife Island®.
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Straight Dope, Sept. 22, "Down with DNA"
Absolutely, a nation of risk takers, unfortunately, the risks now have a much greater implication.
Christina Mueller
Via Facebook

Drink, Sept. 22, "Uniquely Utah Liquor"
[Five Wives vodka] is what I buy for my husband. The flavor is great and, most important, it is gluten-free. We also like the thought of supporting local business.
Paula Gorman
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These are Max Hall's wives, correct?
Robert Jensen
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On feminism and media
Why did Univision discontinue Sueño de Amor soap opera? I liked it. Why are they complaining about porn? Back in the 1960s, I had a husband exposed to porn and I objected, too. Home-wreckers ... And who brought all those women here to Utah in the first place? I like the dresses and jewelry the girls are wearing on TV. I know the feminists will object. I'm not a militant feminist. Just an old lady tired of being lied to.
Stephanie Maranhao,


Cartoon, "Gotta Love Utah Valley"
No, you really don't have to love Utah Valley ... like, at all.
Chris Montgomery
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What about missionary attire and conservative talk radio?
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Or plastic surgery!
Sarina Kay Sinclair
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Yep, that's the first thing I thought of
Kat Audette-Luebke
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It's not a pyramid scheme ... It's just shaped like one.
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Well, I guess I won't ask you to try my new supplements.
Thomas Cutler
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I'm gonna start a nonessential oils company.
Tiffany Young
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Better than Cavalia every 30 feet.
Via Instagram

Blog, Sept. 30, "'I Hope They Can Forgive Me': Senate hopeful Jason Christensen on the viral response to his anti-LGBTQ comments"
His rant revealed much more than "foot-in-mouth." He lacks true Christian compassion.
Via Twitter

Having lost a son to suicide, I know the pain this kind of loss brings. His apology is not an apology. Being a purportedly practicing member of the LDS church, he might want to review what they teach about those who die this way. I am angry at how heartless he is, I ache for the family whose grief he has added to. However, no matter how angry I am, I hope this is something he will never need to have first-hand experience with to understand just what he has done.
Melissa Lambert Hanson

He's backing down because he thought he'd have more backup and when they didn't show, he had his "Oh, shit" moment and tried to clean up the hate-filled vomit he projected onto the internet. It doesn't clean up that easy. You can't erase "horrible human" if you don't mean it.
Jordan Anderson Strebel
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He typed the words. That disease doesn't even apply. I thought Christians believed God was to be the only one to judge? What an insensitive jerk.
Pamela Stevens
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An apology was the decent thing to do. You can't get that from Trump, so Jason has that going for him. I wish the world could be rid of hatred and hateful poisonous rhetoric like this. It helps no one, but it hurts everyone.
Wade Haskell
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There's a difference between not thinking and using your asinine imaginary friend as justification for dancing on a child's grave. There [are] few times I wish there's a God of some kind. But for this Shkreli-level sociopath, I hope this judgemental, evil God exists, because no punishment is good enough.
Mike Zauner
Via Facebook

Did you know that if you commit political suicide, it's still murder?
Steven Day

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