Strut Your Mutt | Entertainment Picks | Salt Lake City Weekly

Strut Your Mutt 

Saturday, May 30

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Strut Your Mutt is not a marathon. In fact, it’s not even a “fun run.” What it is, though, is a fun and casual 1.5-mile meander for pet lovers wishing to raise money for a good cause—No More Homeless Pets in Utah. This year is the 14th annual Strut Your Mutt event in Utah, and the concept is pretty simple. You register, then you collect donations; if you make it to $350, you get to hang out in the VIP area known as “Buster’s Backyard.” And, don’t forget, you strut. Or, if a good ole’ strut is too much, you can always register as a nonparticipating Cat-Napper. You get all the benefits, like the T-shirt and props for donating to the cause, without having to wake-up early on your precious Saturday morning. But if you do make it out, there will be plenty of fun entertainment and pleasant socializing for both you and your furry best friend.

Strut Your Mutt @ Sugar House Park, 2100 S. 1300 East, 801-451-3286, Saturday May 30, 8 a.m.

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